10 results for month: 12/2009

RTE Description (Spanish)

Remineralize the Earth es una organización sin fines lucrativos que asiste al movimiento mundial de remineralizar el suelo con harina de roca finamente molida, minerales marinos y otros medios naturales sostenibles para incrementar el crecimiento, salud y valor nutritivo de toda vida vegetal. Añadir minerales y elementos traza es vital para la creación de suelos fértiles así como cosechas y bosques sanos, y supone una estrategia clave para estabilizar el clima.

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LATEST NEWS VIEW ALL Remineralization Workshop in Cameroon begins the new era of sustainable development New documentary by RTE: Remineralization in Rural Brazil Don Weaver's New Book: an urgent message to remineralize and grow nutrient dense food

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Green Disc Press Release

SIDS Partnership Launches The Interactive Multimedia Green Disc: New Technologies For A New Future Press Release December 16 2009, Bella Center, Copenhagen, Denmark United Nations Conference on Climate Change COP-15 Remineralize the Earth and soil remineralization have been included in a 40 chapter interactive multimedia disc of innovative, proven, cost-effective new technologies for integrated sustainable development, adaptation to rising temperature and sea level, and solutions for reversing global climate change. The Green Disc was circulated to all COP-15 delegations today. The technologies include a wide variety of new renewable energy ...

Green Disc Press Release

SIDS Partnership Launches The Interactive Multimedia Green Disc: New Technologies For A New Future Press Release December 16 2009, Bella Center, Copenhagen, Denmark United Nations Conference on Climate Change COP-15 Remineralize the Earth and soil remineralization have been included in a 40 chapter interactive multimedia disc of innovative, proven, cost-effective new technologies for integrated sustainable development, adaptation to rising temperature and sea level, and solutions for reversing global climate change. The Green Disc was circulated to all COP-15 delegations today. The technologies include a wide variety of new renewable energy ...

The Green Disk given to UN Delegates at COP15 in Copenhagen will include RTE

Official Green Disc Press Release at COP15 The Green Disc: New Technologies for a New World. United Nations Climate Change Conference COP15 in Copenhagen December 2009 UN Delegates learn about Remineralize the Earth (RTE) & Soil Remineralisation through “The Green Disc: New Technologies for a New World”. The environmentally friendly disc is a 40 chapter interactive multimedia disc of innovative, proven, cost-effective new technologies for integrated sustainable development, adaptation to rising temperature and sea level and solutions for reversing global climate change. Rapidly Implementing New Approaches is Key to Reversing Climate ...