Water purification and lava/lava-basalt dust!

More than 60 years ago, prominent German scientists, under the guidance of Dr. K. Seidel, rediscovered the self-cleansing process of natural rivers, streams, and waterways.

Botanical sewage purification, a natural process, is an outgrowth from classical land treatment of wastewater. Today, this classical method of application to land has been updated and serves as an ideal, natural way to purify human, animal, and industrial sewage. It also has the potential to clean rainwater, reservoirs, and groundwater. The system consists of shallow basins connected by pipes. The purification is accomplished through a symbiotic relationship of substrate (lava and lavadust) and anaerobic and aerobic bacteria and certain aquatic plants. The process is subdivided into two steps: Pre-purification and Main Purification.

By Marc Daelemans

“Imagine a world where human industry operates exactly like a blossoming cherry tree: Every factory, every building and every product is as giving as a cherry tree with its flowers.

Imagine a world where our buildings are like trees: They cover their energy needs by harvesting solar power, produce food and oxygen, create habitat for other species and change with the seasons.

Imagine a world without pollution and waste: Products are made from materials that are beneficial for humans and their surroundings.”

-Prof. Michael Braungard.

This is a world to which we would want to inhabit. Nature allied technologies predict that we can live as a part of nature without pollution in the nearby future.

More than 60 years ago, prominent German scientists, under the guidance of Dr. K. Seidel, rediscovered the self-cleansing process of natural rivers, streams, and waterways.

Botanical sewage purification, a natural process, is an outgrowth from classical land treatment of wastewater. Today, this classical method of application to land has been updated and serves as an ideal, natural way to purify human, animal, and industrial sewage. It also has the potential to clean rainwater, reservoirs, and groundwater. The system consists of shallow basins connected by pipes. The purification is accomplished through a symbiotic relationship of substrate (lava and lavadust) and anaerobic and aerobic bacteria and certain aquatic plants. The process is subdivided into two steps: Pre-purification and Main Purification.

Preliminary cleaning is necessary for every biological sewage treatment plant. This can either be achieved mechanically by means of a septic tank or bio-mechanically by means of sewage sludge treatment.

The technology helps the operator to become independent from central sewage treatment plants, decreasing construction and operating costs. Since the reed-bed plants offer high purifying capacity and security, they are an excellent alternative to technological and central sewage treatment systems.

They are easy to operate and last for more than 20 years.

The marsh and marine plants that we uze for environmental cleansing are cultivated for 3 years in a ground substrate of mineralized loam and domestic compost.

Our purification systems are fed with lava-basalt rock dust, a treatment which has a very positive influence on the growth of the plants and therefore also on their performance.


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