Dan Kittredge & Andrew Harley Present to the Biomass Coordinating Committee of ACORE

(From Left) Dan Kittredge, Executive Director of Remineralize the Earth; Bill Holmberg, Chairman of the BCC at ACORE; and Andrew Harley, Remineralization Research Scientist
On March 5th, Executive Director Dan Kittredge and Scientific Consultant Andrew Harley attended the annual meeting of the Biomass Coordinating Committee (BCC) of ACORE, the American Council on Renewable Energy. They were speakers presenting as part of a project in Nevada run by the department of prisons that will test tree growth for biomass production. The project is experimenting with a patented process of seedling starting called RPM and soil amendments including remineralization and Bio-char. The remineralization presentation was well received and many contacts were made for RTE with ACORE and other members of the BCC. Long time remineralization ally Bill Holmberg, chairman of the BCC is seen here with Andrew and Dan.
Themajor purpose of the BCC meeting was to bring together stakeholders from industry, research, small companies and the non-profit world to assess the state of biomass as an alternative energy source, outline points where organization research and further development are needed and to self organize to meet these outlined needs. Dan agreed to take on direction of the fertility subcommittee with Janet Hawkes of the RPM Ecosystems. Watch here for further updates on the development of this Subcommittee!
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