High School Students Astonished!
High School Students Astonished!
Under the tutelage of Botany teacher Michael Collins at the Reeds Spring High School in Missouri, students have been testing a natural trace mineral product making its mark in organic and traditional growing circles. Students found that the addition of AZOMITE(R) to the planting medium dramatically improved germination, growth, size, vigor, bloom life, bloom color, leaf color, reproductive organ size and the number of babies produced.
Under the tutelage of Botany teacher Michael Collins at the Reeds Spring High School in Missouri, students have been testing a natural trace mineral product making its mark in organic and traditional growing circles. Students found that the addition of AZOMITE(R) to the planting medium dramatically improved germination, growth, size, vigor, bloom life, bloom color, leaf color, reproductive organ size and the number of babies produced.
The students are pictured clustered around their Amaryllis experiment. The special Amaryllis bulbs are from Ecuador and they came from the same plantation at the same elevation. Collins explained that it normally would take five to six years to get Amaryllis the size of the AZOMITE(R) test plants and they seldom would have more than two blooms. The students were excited when they found four blossoms and noted the second year growth had doubled with the AZOMITE(R) plants when compared to the control plants.
In a second project the students experimented with the germination of Texas pecan seeds. AZOMITE(R) planting trays were compared to an AZOMITE(R) plus humate tray as well as a control tray. The results were startling. The AZOMITE(R) trays germinated 7 – 9 days earlier than the controls and grew at a more rapid rate during the entire experiment.
The class was surprised when the blend of AZOMITE(R) and humic shale was added to the planting medium. They found that pure AZOMITE(R) doubled the growth and decreased the germination time when compared to the product containing humic shale. Please note the picture of the pecan seedlings.
Why did the class observe such huge differences? Collins points out that soil suffers from depletion of minerals and trace elements that are essential to germination and growth. Depletion occurs through erosion, leaching and crop harvesting. AZOMITE(R) re-mineralizes the soil by adding over 70 different minerals and trace elements, including the trace elements recognized by the text books as beneficial. Diligent scientific research continues to discover many additional elements that provide marked beneficial effects. AZOMITE(R) contains those newly identified beneficial elements.
Collins believes that the trace elements in AZOMITE(R) are responsible for the amazing results; however he notes that AZOMITE(R) is not a stand alone fertilizer but a natural soil amendment. Collins recommends combining AZOMITE(R) with compost to provide the additional basic nutrients to the plants.
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