International Ag Labs, Inc.

High Brix Gardens
Jon C. Frank
P.O. Box 788
800 W. Lake Ave.
Fairmont, MN. 56031
Jon.Frank@aglabs.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
International Ag Labs offers a complete garden restoration service to help you grow high mineral density foods. This service combines the pioneering work of Dr. Carey Reams, Dr. Charles Northern, Julius Hensel, John Hamaker, and Dr. Maynard Murry who all emphasized the need to remineralize our soils in order to grow healthy foods. The service includes soil testing and a custom blend of nutrients and rock powders tailored to your soil. We also offer complete kits for growing high brix wheatgrass using a remineralizing rock powder blend.


Support us on Patreon
Thank you for joining us today! Please become a member of RTE and support us on Patreon. Unlike many larger organizations, we work with a team of determined and passionate volunteers to get our message out. We aim to continue to increase the awareness of remineralization to initiate projects across the globe that remineralize soils, grow nutrient dense food, regenerate our forests’ and stabilize the climate – with your help! If you can, please support us on a monthly basis from just $2, rest assured that you are making a big impact every single month in support of our mission. Thank you!

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