RTE Playground

The EARTH SANCTUARY is an ecoproject sustained by private funding and maintained by volunteers. It is located 150 kms south of Barcelona, Spain, in the mountains near the Mediterranean sea coast.

The property has been bought through the years by a private group and is dedicated
to the protection and development of the Mediterranean flora, as well as to the development of personal, spiritual and environmental training.

As a group, we are most aware of the climate crisis, and that is one of the reasons that we feel such sustained committment to our mission.

Full information and website here at: http://www.earthsanctuary.net

Now that I have introduced you a bit more to the Earth Sanctuary, I must say that the true purpose of publishing my very first post in this new blog is to talk about the possibilities and the opportunities that this place can offer to Remineralize The Earth, its staff, coordinators, members and other interested people.

First of all, I’ll let you know that the Earth Sanctuary covers an extension of 108 acres of woodland of which 30% is cultivatable. Since I’m translating the website to spanish for RTE, my interest for the practice of remineralization has grown in a rather surprising way. The more I know of its positive effects regarding the climate crisis, ecology and even going further at a personal scale, the more I want to do something about it. If I were of a generational group, I’d probably be within the group of "the next generation" that will inherit this planet earth, and I do feel the responsibility to do something about such environmental crisis we’re going through. So within my means to give a convenient solution to that is my offer.

What is my offer?

To all interested pioneers of RTE;  

A place to make specific research within the context of remineralization is at your disposition. I do not seek for any economic gaining, but only to be a creative and positive function for society regarding the environment. My gain is the satisfaction that I get from the offering itself and the results that everybody could gain from it! The only thing you need to do is to contact me and inform me of your idea, and I will do my best to help you. The Earth Sanctuary property has a lot of cultivatable acres which can be cleaned and prepared to achieve endless projects. I will also need a full description of the project you have in mind to let you know if it would be viable from both parts. Scientific projects are very welcome, as well as a disposition to report it in a detailed way, to publish it later within the section of Research in the RTE website.

For more information contact me at: michaeladevi@hotmail.com

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