Country Harvest USA

Country Harvest USA

Cindy Burson
10758 Hwy 155S, Big Sandy, TX 75755
903-576-0086 or fax: 903-636-5153

We are distributing Azomite, Planters ll and Sea 90 in TX.  A sample
pack of all 3 can be purchased.  We are working on wheatgrass
production for human and animal consumption, grown with Sea 90 now and
soon with Azomite.  You cannot believe how sweet it tastes!  We are
all about good food and good water. We also teach how to grow nutrient
dense foods.


Support us on Patreon
Thank you for joining us today! Please become a member of RTE and support us on Patreon. Unlike many larger organizations, we work with a team of determined and passionate volunteers to get our message out. We aim to continue to increase the awareness of remineralization to initiate projects across the globe that remineralize soils, grow nutrient dense food, regenerate our forests’ and stabilize the climate – with your help! If you can, please support us on a monthly basis from just $2, rest assured that you are making a big impact every single month in support of our mission. Thank you!

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