Don Weaver’s New Book

Don Weaver, co-author of The Survival of Civilization and long-time ally of Remineralize the Earth, has released a new e-book entitled Regenerate the Earth!: Nature’s Call to Remineralize Our Soil, Re-Green Our Land, Rescue Our Climate and Restore Our Health. Don has compiled and edited a diverse collection of writings on topics such as remineralization, the benefits of raw food, organic gardening, soil fertility, and climate change.

This new book represents Don’s latest attempt to impress upon the world the importance of restoring life and health to our soils, gardens, orchards, and farms—which then pass this health on to the human race. Don hopes that this book will provide “information and insights…that will become both common knowledge and common sense.” Though it includes reflections on a wide variety of subjects, the book has no shortage of practical advice on raising healthier food and living a healthier life. With over 30 years of experience as an ecologist, researcher, writer, and organic grower, Don is well qualified to discuss the dangers of—and solutions to—chemical agriculture, processed food, depleted soil, and a poisoned environment.

The message of remineralization, nutrient-dense food, and sustainable living remains unknown, ignored, or misunderstood in many sectors of society and government. Don is trying to remedy that with his new book, which builds upon his enduring contribution to the quest for a world that is “teeming with health and natural abundance.”


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3 Replies to "Don Weaver's New Book"

  • Gail W.
    February 28, 2015 (5:16 pm)

    Just curious – have you heard of people ingesting small quantities of rock dust (or something similar) in order to quickly remineralize their bodies? Any expected side effects from doing so?

    • Colin Johnson
      April 15, 2021 (3:51 pm)

      I have tried but after some research I discovered that apparently the human digestive system does not contain enzymes necessary to break down rocks and source the minerals. Some other animals do but for us it is best to feed our food minerals and then consume the minerals via that food.

      • Joanna Campe
        April 18, 2021 (11:58 am)

        This article is not suggesting that people eat rocks. A fine powder from ground rocks that goes through a 300 mesh screen is similar in fineness to flour. Perhaps we should do another article on this, but there is a long history of rock dust use in this way, as well as glacial milk.

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