Geotherapy: Innovative Methods of Soil Fertility Restoration, Carbon Sequestration, and Reversing CO2 Increase

K20722_cover Author approvedConventional solutions to ecosystem loss are far too small to make a meaningful difference. The large-scale restoration of damaged ecosystems is essential if the climate is to be stabilized. This book covers innovative new technologies for restoring the most productive ecosystems on land while maintaining high biodiversity. This book presents the dramatic results of revolutionary new methods that resolve major factors limiting ecosystem growth, productivity, and the capacity to resist severe environmental stresses, while simultaneously increasing global carbon storage and reducing atmospheric CO2.

Key Features

  • Presents, for the first time, a large body of scientific data showing the dramatic results of revolutionary new methods that resolve major factors limiting ecosystem growth, productivity, and capacity to resist severe environmental stresses
  •  Includes original research papers with comprehensive data proving the practical benefits of these new methods on every single continent except Antarctica
  • Outlines the nature of current biogeochemical imbalances and presents strategies to correct them on a global scale
  • Includes a CD with full-color illustrations
  • Serves as a guide to both policies and practical steps to maintain ecosystems now functioning under damaging conditions, and to restore severely damaged ecosystems where little or no natural recovery has taken place

To purchase the book, download or rent a copy of the eBook, click here.

Separate chapters are available at VitalSource Bookshelf at a reduced price. Register here.


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7 Replies to "Geotherapy: Innovative Methods of Soil Fertility Restoration, Carbon Sequestration, and Reversing CO2 Increase"

  • Richard Swinden
    January 8, 2015 (2:00 am)

    Hello Joanna,

    I look forward to reading your new publication, “Geotherapy”. How much to purchase? Is it available now from you directly or from alternative publishers?

    All the best,
    Managing Director of Communications
    Paramount Growth Holdings Inc.

  • Ken Johnson
    February 14, 2015 (9:08 pm)

    Please see my review of Geotherapy on

    Of related interest – I came across this paper, which seems to have significant implications for remineralization. (See p. 24.)
    Mazzarino, Thomas. “Policy Alternatives for Federal Agricultural Subsidies: Fertilization Protocols and Their Effects on Crop Yields, Sustainability, and Food Justice.” (2012).

  • sam kephart
    March 29, 2015 (4:30 am)


    Into high brix rock dust. I remember back in the 80’s, I ordered rock dust from Alabama or Arkansas, then the guy’s machine kept breaking. I had wild dandelions come up with 2 foot leaves in the spring. Do you know if he is still making rock dust?


    • Joanna Campe
      April 5, 2017 (8:40 pm)

      Not sure which rock dust producer you are referring to. Look for other products in the Remineralize the Earth Resource Directory.

  • Theresa
    March 30, 2015 (6:16 pm)

    For years we have noticed our soil degradation by not remineralizing and according to basic science and natural biology plants and soil care in cultivation have always been the natural way of processing Co2. Great job. I truly enjoy your work and educational site.

  • Avrielle
    February 9, 2016 (3:59 pm)

    This book highlights the importance of Geotherapy as a means to combat climate change, each chapter highlights different modes in which we can help to tackle these problems. Please do check out Remineralize the Earth’s new online research database for more information.

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