“Let’s ‘rock it’ at SEER Centre in Scotland

Garden-PhotoJust several decades ago, most of the farmlands in the foothills of Grampian Mountains in Scotland were largely infertile, acidic and open to severe weather conditions, where hardly anything had been grown for almost 50 years. However, that was exactly where Cameron and Moira Thomson settled their home and started their “good life” experiment. By spreading a thin layer of rock dust over the land, they are able to mimic the earth’s glacial processes that naturally fertilize the land. Nowadays the rich soils they have regenerated are capable of producing giant vegetables and a huge biodiversity.

Garden-170707-040Like Moira Thomson said “This is a simple solution which could help solve the twin problems of crop yield and climate change, and it doesn’t involve drastic life changes by anyone.” Since 1997, Cameron and Moira established the Sustainable Ecological Earth Regeneration (SEER) Centre, and became pioneers of turning barren lands into incredibly fertile soils with the addition of rock dust. Using their product SEER® Rockdust®, which can improve the natural capability of soils to absorb atmospheric carbon and produce vigorous, mineral-rich vegetation and nutrient-dense crops, their accomplishments turned out to be a best evidence of remineralization as a simple and highly effective solution.

Scots Couple Pioneering Use Of Rock Dust To Boost Crops

To find out more about their impressive accomplishment, please click here for the full story from Scotland Correspondent by Paul Kelbie.

The SEER Centre Trust

The SEER Centre Trust is a Scottish charitable organization committed to regeneration of soils through remineralization in order to benefit farmers and the environment. To learn more about them, visit their website at: http://www.seercentre.org.uk/ [Update 01/28/2024: The SEER Centre no longer exists, and the website redirects elsewhere.] Leading supplier of volcanic SEER® Rockdust® is Rockdust Ltd: supplies@rockdust.co.


Shu Li is a Plant Biology Ph.D. student at  Pennsylvania State University. Her dissertation research specializes on the reproductive barrier mechanism in flowering plants termed as self-incompatibility, from which she has developed an interest in the genetics of reproduction and speciation. Besides basic research, Shu is also passionate about science communication and science writing. Currently, she is serving as editorial board member for several journals and involved in many outreach activities as a member of GWIS (Graduate Women in Science). In her spare time, she enjoys running, reading, and working on her first novel.

Rockdust logo

“SEER® Rockdust®” – 420 million years old, freshly ground, untreated, volcanic rock from Scottish quarries.

Decades of rigorous gardening trials and scientific analysis show SEER® Rockdust® to be safe to add to soils and compost.  Whilst chemical fertilisers may produce more immediate visual results, SEER Rockdust adds a huge range of mineral and trace elements for long term soil health.

The SEER Centre, and an growing vine of gardeners and farmers have found that SEER® Rockdust® can boost the activities of soil and compost fauna (soil micro-organisms and earthworms), and that thanks to the increased microbial activity, remineralised soil and compost can produce the following benefits:

  • BOOSTS organic soil fertility
  • HIGHER nutritional value of crops and pasture
  • LONGER shelf life of produce
  • LUSHER lawns and pasture
  • BIGGER YIELDS and healthier crops
  • BETTER flavour and juiciness
  • INCREASED pest resistance (less reliance on pesticides!)
  • IMPROVED disease resistance (less susceptibility to disease)
  • IMPROVED drought resistance (less need for irrigation)

“SEER® Rockdust® – also works as a COMPOST ACTIVATOR, encouraging microbial activity, creating a higher temperature, reducing odour, locking in more nitrogen and improving fertility of the compost

We Want Real Foodseer


A whole chapter aboutSEER®Rockdust®and the SEER Centreis featured in “We Want Real Food” by Graham Harvey!

Graham is an agricultural author and a great advocate for natural farming methods and soil remineralisation withSEER®Rockdust®.

This book is a must for all farmers and growers!


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8 Replies to ""Let's 'rock it' at SEER Centre in Scotland"

  • Wendy-Lynn Brookes
    January 2, 2017 (7:45 am)

    I believe if all farmers remineralised their over tilled soils we would not have the diseases due to shortfalls of minerals and elements, we have today. It would take the pressure off the NHS as well.
    We need our minerals in plant form to sustain us. Better this way than taking a tablet.

  • Alan Fowler
    October 14, 2021 (5:13 am)

    It worked for me. In the second year after application I had spectacular vegetables. But ‘correlation is not cause’? What is the chemical analysis of SEER’s rock dust? What is the average grain size?

    • Joanna Campe
      October 17, 2021 (11:58 am)

      SEER rock dust is no longer available. You should contact Jennifer Brodie at REMIN Scotland (https://www.reminscotland.com/). They currently have rock dust products on the market. Please see our resource directory (https://www.remineralize.org/mineral-products_1/) for other sources of rock dust.

      • Garry Price
        January 10, 2022 (8:54 pm)

        This is the common solution to our current situation in the Midlands of England , in urgent correction, for production and carbon extraction?

  • Yuroon
    January 26, 2024 (4:42 am)

    I don’t know if anybody reads this but I just wanted to say that the link that supposed to link to the SEER center now links to something else. Some landscaping company that apparently took over their link.

    Does the SEER center still exist and does somebody have a working link to their website?
    Thank you

    • Joanna Campe
      January 28, 2024 (11:26 am)

      Sorry to say that SEER Centre no longer exists. Thank you for pointing out the problems with the link, we have unlinked it.

  • Liz Scargall
    March 13, 2025 (1:58 am)

    I live in. Highland
    Where can I buy supplies of rock dust

    • Joanna Campe
      March 13, 2025 (10:55 am)

      Please check our resource directory on our website for potential sources. You could also consider contacting Undo.

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