Two Soil Building Events in Missouri, September and October 2024

First event title: Regenerative Agriculture, Special Soil Building Meeting

Date and time: 6:30pm, Thursday, September 26, 2024

Location: Food Forest Shelter, Columbia Agriculture Park, 1769 W Ash St, Columbia, MO 65203

Event description: Nick Cuchetti, Conservation Agronomist — Certified Crop Advisor Technical Service Provider (NRCS) — will cost share grower expenses to implement Regenerative & Climate-Smart Agriculture practices, materials & methods. This meeting will focus on two NRCS Conservation Practice Standards: #340 Cover Crop and #336 Soil Carbon Amendment (includes biochar & compost).

Nick will explain these NRCS programs, and how to apply & qualify for incentive payments. As a certified TSP, Nick can assist growers to develop on-farm projects that qualify.

Second event title: Columbia Climate Action, Soil Building with Basalt & Biochar: to sequester carbon & grow nutrient-dense food

Date and time: 6:00pm, Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Location: Columbia Agriculture Park, 1769 W Ash St, Columbia, MO 65203

Event description: Missouri has difficult soils. They like to grow grass, don’t favor broad-leaf plants. Vegetables like sweeter, softer soil for full flavor & profitable growth. MO growers face challenges, including low carbon, high pH, low Ca/Mg, low trace elements, weak microbiome. These problems can be remedied by a strategic plan & timely action with specific substances & significant investment. Terra Preta in the Amazon is a model to turn infertile dirt into nutrient-rich soil to feed healthy humans. Biochar is a key, but other ingredients include rock dusts, sea minerals, compost, manure, microbes & organic debris. CCUA Demonstration Farm has many plots that use these substances & principles. Columbia Climate Action delivers information & materials to guide growers to upgrade soils to grow higher quality crops. Growers ready for Regenerative Agriculture for sustainable fertility apply amendments of biochar blended with minerals, microbes & metabolites to start vigorous, full-function Soil Food Webs. CCA holds education events to teach methods & distribute materials.

Growers interested to participate, contact David Yarrow:


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