5th Brazilian Congress of Remineralizers Conference

Event: V Congresso Brasileiro de Rochagem

Date: July 8 – 11, 2025

Location: Piracicaba, Brazil

Host organization: Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture, University of Sao Paulo

Seminar description: After 15 years of the realization of the 1st Brazilian Congress of Remineralizers, the theme of remineralization gained prominence in Brazil and in the world. Soil remineralizers (REM), are derived from silicate rocks and when properly used, improve soil conditions since they behave as multifunctional inputs (nutrient source, acid neutralization, colloid neoformation).

The regulation of this input (Law 12,890 of 2013 and Normative Instruction-IN No. 05/2016, of the Ministry of Agriculture Livestock and Supply-MAPA) made the production process, use and more safe, known and developed. The National Fertilizer Plan (Dec. n. 10.991/2022), amended by Dec. No. 11,5118/20231, which set strategic targets for the fertilizer sector in the next 28 years, includes the REMs in the emerging input dog.

In addition, in the annals of the four editions of the Brazilian Congress of Remineralizers (2009, 2013, 2016. 2021) more than 200 articles and abstracts were published for public consultation (available at: https://www.sgb.gov.br/remineralizers/anais.html)

The 5th Brazilian Congress of Remineralizers (V CBR) is an ordinary opportunity for those interested in the subject to interact in the various possibilities linked to the multiple aspects of the use of this input, which has grown in a significant way. From 2019 to 2024, the increase in REM records in MAPA was 400%, from 17 to 68 registered products. In 2022 about three million tons of remineralizers were sold. These figures show a great opportunity for Brazil and for the country’s agricultural sector.

The next conference will take place in Piracicaba, with the executive coordination of the Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture at the University of Sao Paulo, between July 8–11, 2025.

The Organizing Committee of the 5th Brazilian Congress of Remineralizers, with great satisfaction, awaits the participation of all!

Website: https://fealq.org.br/eventos/v-congresso-brasileiro-de-rochagem/


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