Free Online Seminar Series: Enhanced Rock Weathering in agriculture as a natural climate solution

Event: Enhanced Rock Weathering in agriculture as a natural climate solution

Date: Weekly on Mondays from 12-1 pm ET from January 27th to April 14th, 2024

Location: Remote

Host organization: Yale University

Seminar description: Enhanced rock weathering is a process where finely ground silicate and carbonate rocks are spread on agricultural soils. The breakdown of these rocks removes carbon from the air and stores it in soils and soil water, while providing a variety of other crop and soil benefits. While this carbon dioxide removal practice has gained a lot of interest from researchers, industry, and government agencies, the science is still in its infancy. With this seminar we aim to highlight current research by experts in the field who are working to understand how this process might fit into a portfolio of climate mitigation practices. Each week we will host a new speaker who will cover topics like:

• How does enhanced rock weathering work?

• What is the climate mitigation potential of enhanced rock weathering?

• How can enhanced rock weathering benefit crops and soils?

• What are the economics around enhanced rock weathering?

• How are carbon markets dealing with enhanced rock weathering?

This seminar is free, open to the public, and entirely virtual. We hope to engage an audience of scientists, students, industry, government, farmers, and more! Please help us spread the word.




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