


Here you will find articles, studies, and publications related to the effects of remineralization on soils, crops, orchards, gardens and in laboratory research. Remineralization can increase yields 2 to 4 times, increase the nutrient density and vitality making plants more drought, frost, disease and insect resistant. Remineralization can be used to deter insect infestations as well.


Publication Title

Contributing Authors

Publication YearType of PublicationPublication LanguageResearch Area(s)

Enhancing natural cycles in agro-ecosystems to boost plant carbon capture and soil storage

Eelco J. Rohling; Justin Borevitz; Kirsty Yeates; Wolfram Buss

2021ReviewEnglishAgriculture; Agrogeology; Carbon Sequestration; Climate Change

Remineralizing soils? The agricultural usage of silicate rock powders: A review

Martin Hamer; Philip Swoboda; Thomas Doring

2021Journal Article; ReviewEnglishAgriculture; Agrogeology; Carbon Sequestration

Testing the ability of plants to access potassium from framework silicate minerals

Joana Baptista; Kristen Brandt; Mallely Sanchez Limon; Manning, D.A.C.

2016Journal ArticleEnglishAgriculture; Agrogeology

Solutions for a cultivated planet

David P. M. Zaks

2011Journal ArticleEnglishAgriculture; Agrogeology

Persistence of soil organic matter as an ecosystem property

Susan E. Trumbore

2011Journal ArticleEnglishAgriculture; Agrogeology; Climate Change

Soil Health and Related Ecosystem Services in Organic Agriculture

Lynette K. Abbott; Manning, D.A.C.

2015Journal ArticleEnglishAgriculture; Agrogeology

Rock dust, crop nutrition and climate change

Manning, D.A.C.

2020Conference ProceedingsEnglishAgriculture; Agrogeology; Carbon Sequestration

How will minerals feed the world in 2050?

Manning, D.A.C.

2015EnglishAgriculture; Agrogeology

Effect of rock dust-amended compost on the soil properties, soil microbial activity, and fruit production in an apple orchard from the Jiangsu province of China

Dmitri V. Mavrodi; Jiangang Li; Yuanhua Dong

2020Journal ArticleEnglishAgriculture; Agrogeology

Historical and technical developments of potassium resources

Antoine Allanore; Davide Ciceri; Manning, D.A.C.

2015Journal ArticleEnglishAgriculture; Agrogeology