


Here you will find articles, studies, and publications related to the effects of remineralization on soils, crops, orchards, gardens and in laboratory research. Remineralization can increase yields 2 to 4 times, increase the nutrient density and vitality making plants more drought, frost, disease and insect resistant. Remineralization can be used to deter insect infestations as well.


Publication Title

Contributing Authors

Publication YearType of PublicationPublication LanguageResearch Area(s)

From waste to soil: Can we create functioning manufactured soils by recycling rock processing waste?

Alix Vidal; Anna Kühnel; Evelin Pihlap; Franziska B. Bucka; Ingrid Kögel-Knabner; Julien Guigue; Lena Reifschneider; Noelia Garcia-Franco

2024Journal ArticleEnglishAgriculture; Agrogeology; Carbon Sequestration; Climate Change

Reduced accrual of mineral‐associated organic matter after two years of enhanced rock weathering in cropland soils, though no net losses of soil organic carbon

Benjamin Houlton; Emily Geoghegan; Eric Slessarev; Heath Goertzen; Iris Holzer; Isabel Montañez; Jennifer Pett-Ridge; Kate Scow; Kimber Moreland; Maya Almaraz; Radomir Schmidt; Sandipan Samaddar; Sohng Jaeeun; Sokol Noah W.

2024Journal ArticleEnglishAgriculture; Carbon Sequestration; Climate Change

How powdered rock could help slow climate change

Ann Leslie Davis

2024Magazine ArticleEnglishAgriculture; Agrogeology; Carbon Sequestration; Climate Change

Mineral-enriched biochar delivers enhanced nutrient recovery and carbon dioxide removal

Christian Wurzer; David A. C. Manning; Ondřej Mašek

2024Journal ArticleEnglishAgriculture; Carbon Sequestration; Climate Change

Unraveling iron oxides as abiotic catalysts of organic phosphorus recycling in soil and sediment matrices

Aaron Thompson; Annaleise R. Klein; Gregory K. Druschel; Jade J. Basinski; John T. Shukle; Ludmilla Aristilde; Sharon E. Bone; Valerie Mitchell; Wiriya Thongsomboon

2024Journal ArticleEnglishAgriculture; Agrogeology

Parana basin basalt powder: A multinutrient soil amendment for enhancing soil chemistry and microbiology

Amanda Izabel Dos Passos; Carlos Kosera Neto; Claiane Mozorovicz; Ederson Américo De Andrade; Everson Cezar; Fábio Palczewski Pacheco; Guilherme Seidel Ziemmer; Leticia De Melo Teixeira; Lucas Francisco Da Silva Junges; Marlon

Journal ArticleAgriculture; Agrogeology

Global agricultural N2O emission reduction strategies deliver climate benefits with minimal impact on stratospheric O3 recovery

David J. Beerling; James Keeble; Nathan Luke Abraham

2024Journal ArticleEnglishAgriculture; Agrogeology

The potential for carbon dioxide removal by enhanced rock weathering in the tropics: An evaluation of Costa Rica

A. Grimes; A. Santis; A. Takoudes; C. Stone; E. Soderstrom; E. Vanderkloot; M. Bhatti; M. Ellis; P. Tulay; P.C. Ryan; S. Caddle; S. Silverman

2024Journal ArticleEnglishAgriculture; Climate Change

Initial agronomic benefits of enhanced weathering using basalt: A study of spring oat in a temperate climate

2024Journal ArticleEnglishAgriculture; Agrogeology

Environmental impacts and resource use of urban agriculture: a systematic review and meta-analysis

A. Horvath; B. Gabrielle; B. Goldstein; C. Aubry; E. Dorr

2021Journal ArticleEnglishAgriculture