


Here you will find articles, studies, and publications related to the effects of remineralization on soils, crops, orchards, gardens and in laboratory research. Remineralization can increase yields 2 to 4 times, increase the nutrient density and vitality making plants more drought, frost, disease and insect resistant. Remineralization can be used to deter insect infestations as well.


Publication Title

Contributing Authors

Publication YearType of PublicationPublication LanguageResearch Area(s)

Improving food security and farmland carbon sequestration in China through enhanced rock weathering: Field evidence and potential assessment in different humid regions

Fuxing Guo; Fuyong Wu; Haowei Sun; Jing Yang; Linsen Zhang; Yan Mu; Yanping Wang

2023Journal ArticleEnglishAgriculture; Agrogeology; Carbon Sequestration

Basalt addition improves the performance of young grassland monocultures under more persistent weather featuring longer dry and wet spells

Hans J De Boeck; Ivan Nijs; Silvia Pobldor; Simon Reynaert; Tommy D'Hose

2023Journal ArticleEnglishAgriculture; Agrogeology

Characterization of Physically Fractionated Wollastonite-Amended Agricultural Soils

Aashvi Duhaiya; Fatima Haque; Hugo Fantucci; Rafael M. Santos

2019Journal ArticleEnglishAgriculture; Agrogeology

Co-Benefits of Wollastonite Weathering in Agriculture: CO2 Sequestration and Promoted Plant Growth

Animesh Dutta; Fatima Haque; Mahendra Thimmanagari; Rafael M. Santos

2019Journal ArticleEnglishAgriculture; Agrogeology

Solubility curve of rock powder inoculated with microorganisms in the production of biofertilizers

Apolino Jose Nogueira da Silva; Gorete Ribeiro de Macedo; Luis F.S. Oliveira; Newton Pereira Stamford; Valeria Nogueira da Silva

2017Journal ArticleEnglishAgriculture; Agrogeology

Improving chemical properties of a highly weathered soil using finely ground basalt rocks

2015Journal ArticleEnglishAgriculture; Agrogeology

Understanding the mobility of potential nutrients in rock mining by- products: An opportunity for more sustainable agriculture and mining

Adilson Celimar Dalmora; Claudete G. Ramos; Leandro Plata; Luis F.S. Oliveira; Marcondes Lima da Costa; Rubens Muller Kautzmann

2020Journal ArticleEnglishAgriculture; Agrogeology

Waste mineral powder supplies plant available potassium: Evaluation of chemical and biological interventions

Peter Sanderson

2018Journal ArticleEnglishAgriculture; Agrogeology

Solubilization of Potassium Containing Mineral by Microorganisms From Sugarcane Rhizosphere

Laily Mutmainnah; Tri Candra Setiawati

2016Journal ArticleEnglishAgriculture; Agrogeology

Does a rhizospheric microorganism enhance K+ availability in agricultural soils?

B.R. Maurya; Jay Prakash Verma; Vijay Singh Meena

2014Journal ArticleEnglishAgriculture; Agrogeology