213 results for author: Joanna Campe
Joanna Campe’s Testimonial
Abadiania, Brazil
For the last four years I have been spending a few months every year at a healing center in Brazil during the winter and rent a house with a lovely garden. Last year a friend, Walter Schroth, who has an inn called Pousada Caminho Encantado very close by, became an avid remineralizer and has remineralized hundreds of trees.
RTE partners with Trees for Clean Energy Network in Kenya
RTE partners with Trees for Clean Energy Network in Kenya
Trees for Clean Energy Network (TCEN) empowers youth and women to produce clean energy biofuel to light households and power small enterprises. Joanna Campe, Executive Director of RTE, and Zablon Wagalla met each other at the World International Renewable Energy Conference (WIREC 2008) vowing to partner at some time in the future growing jatropha on marginal soils with rock dust. Jatropha produces sustainable biofuel from the seeds at the same time that it restores soils and makes them arable within a few years. TCEN has started a fundraising drive to raise $6500 for a new project that will ...
RTE partners with Trees for Clean Energy Network in Kenya
Trees for Clean Energy Network (TCEN) empowers youth and women to produce clean energy biofuel to light households and power small enterprises. Joanna Campe, Executive Director of RTE, and Zablon Wagalla met each other at the World International Renewable Energy Conference (WIREC 2008) vowing to partner at some time in the future growing jatropha on marginal soils with rock dust. Jatropha produces sustainable biofuel from the seeds at the same time that it restores soils and makes them arable within a few years. TCEN has started a fundraising drive to raise $6500 for a new project that will include remineralization. For more information and to make a ...
Heart Of Maine
February 9 & 10, 2010 - 8:30 am - 5:00 pm at the Bangor Motor Inn, Bangor, Maine
Heart Of Maine RC&D is a non-profit organization, working to improve social, economic, and environmental conditions in Maine's rural counties.
Dan Kittredge of RTE's Real Food Campain will be speaking with Joel Salatin and other world-class speakers who deliver the most creative cutting edge information for agriculture.
A Rock Dust Primer (Russian)
Общие сведения о каменной пыли
Какая каменная пыль лучше?
Прикармливание истощенной почвы смешанной каменной пылью можно сравнить с кормлением больного человека разнообразной нерафинированной натуральной пищей. Точно так же, как ни один вид пищи не является панацеей для человека, ни один конкретный тип каменной пыли не идеален для почвы. Действител...
Farmer Campaigns for Nutrient Dense Food Production
Beginning in the 1950s, America’s farmers were told to get big, or get out. It wasn’t just a slogan, it was USDA policy, a mantra recited by several secretaries of agriculture. That mindset, combined with a post-WWII explosion in chemical fertilizer use, made our farms larger and more productive than ever — but at a high price, with many small farmers vanishing and the introduction of new kinds of environmental challenges.
Increasing Nutrients in the Food We Grow
Increasing Nutrients in the Food We Grow
*Growing Highly Nutritious Food* Workshop Series
These workshops draw on cutting-edge research and long-proven techniques to build the ideal soil environment for crop growth and production. This series will take farmers and gardeners step-by-step through the principles, practices and materials to optimize crop health and growth.
The Pioneer Valley workshop series will start this Sunday, January 17, from 9 AM to 4 PM at Enterprise Farm: 72 River Road, Whately, MA. Contact: David Paysnick, 413-475-3392, email: davepays@gmail.com This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript ...
Increasing Nutrients in the Food We Grow
Press Release
January 14, 2010
Dan Kittredge
Increasing Nutrients in the Food We Grow
*Growing Highly Nutritious Food* Workshop Series
The United States Department of Agriculture has been measuring the nutrient content in foods since the 1940's -- vitamins, minerals, and more recently phyto-nutrients. What their studies show is a gradual and persistent decrease in these nutrients by up to 60%.
Starting this Sunday at Enterprise Farm in Whately, MA (between Deerfield and Northampton on the Connecticut River), a workshop series organized by the Real Food Campaign will teach farmers and gardeners how to build their soil in ...