Become Carbon Neutral and Remineralize Forests


Partners:  Ocean Arks International and Remineralize the Earth
Project Director:  William Turley
Tree Propagator:  Angie Sanchez
Scientific Director:  John Todd
Advisor:  Joanna Campe of Remineralize the Earth
Location:  Guanacaste Province, Costa Rica

Remineralize the Earth and Ocean Arks International have initiated the Costa Rica Agroforestry Project:  Food, Fuel and Income to sustain local communities.  We are currently documenting evidence of the enhanced growth of trees by using volcanic rockdust to enrich the soil while reforesting previously devastated, overgrazed grasslands.  The new forest is comprised of three categories of trees, all of which will help heal the land, build soils, remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and combat global climate change. This project is the foundation of Ocean Arks Become Carbon Neutral Program which you can join in order to support this work and take advantage of this opportunity to offset your own carbon footprint.

A Message from Ocean Arks International:  Why Choose the Ocean Arks Plan ?

Whether you live low or high impact lives, it is important to think about becoming carbon neutral. When you are carbon, or CO2, neutral you are supporting activities that reduce CO2 in the atmosphere. There are a number of options now available to the public, such as underwriting renewable energy through an arrangement with your local utility or energy supplier. At Ocean Arks we have made the decision that the best way for us to become carbon neutral is to plant trees in parts of the world that have been deforested and where reforestation will lead to improved soils and strengthen local economies. Trees are the real experts when it comes to taking carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere and sequestering it. Through photosynthesis CO2 is taken up directly by the trees and through their soil building CO2 is stored in the ground. We chose Costa Rica for this program because the year round growing season allows for high rates of carbon dioxide removal and because it is a country dedicated to conservation, peace and to universal education and health care. In many ways Costa Rica is a model for how all societies could be organized. Ocean Arks has a long association with Costa Rica.


Jatropha plants produce a sustainable biofuel and restore soils.

We realize that there are many Carbon Neutral plans out there. By all means check them out. We think ours is one of the best because you will actually see, via the OAI website, the trees you have paid for while they are growing. And in the future there will be opportunities for you visit the new forests of Guanacaste Province and meet the people who care for the trees.

This project is intended to allow OAI members to contribute directly towards alleviating the build up of greenhouse gases. If you join the program, your new forest will offset CO2 and provide the basis of a stable economy in our area of Costa Rica. Under the leadership of program director William Turley, we have already begun planting native hardwoods, agro-forests and trees with secondary economic value, such as those producing useable oils. It is our intention to chronicle the story of the new forests for our membership. Helping in this way by becoming carbon neutral is what our Earth needs these days.