High Times at Equinox Farm: Ted Dobson talks cannabis, coronavirus and Ancient Greeks

BEN GARVER — THE BERKSHIRE EAGLE Ted Dobson, owner of Equinox Farm in Sheffield, is working with Theory Wellness to grow cannabis outdoors in Sheffield, Wednesday, October 9, 2019. Remineralizing agricultural soil is as old as agriculture itself, says Ted Dobson, general manager and farmer-in-chief at Equinox Farm in the Berkshires in Sheffield, Massachusetts. “We all know that soils are particularly made up of rock minerals. Eventually, some of those particles are no longer being regenerated. That’s what we’re really talking about with rock dust — it’s ...

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A True Hero: Bernardo Castro Medina Intensifies His Remineralization Efforts in 2020

Version original en Español: https://www.remineralize.org/2020/04/un-verdadero-heroe-bernardo-castro-medina-intensifica-sus-esfuerzos-de-remineralizacion-en-2020/ Bernardo Castro Medina is a remineralization superhero for our time! Through his ongoing workshops for farmers and his yearly Expo and conference, he has facilitated many tens of thousands of hectares of agriculture in Mexico going organic while using rock dust with some of the most sophisticated formulations to be found anywhere in the world. This is a good example of the potential for agriculture to store ...

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Un Verdadero Héroe: Bernardo Castro Medina intensifica sus esfuerzos de remineralización en 2020

Bernardo Castro, agricultor de Sinaloa y presidente de Ecoagro, quien lleva más de 22 años trabajando para generar conciencia a los agricultores sobre la importancia de agricultura ecológica, nos explica como los agricultores ven que en un corto plazo sus sistemas tradicionales de cultivo serán cada vez menos sostenibles debido a su alta dependencia de insumos, por lo que la agricultura orgánica se presenta como una opción interesante. Sin embargo, es fundamental una adecuada fertilidad del suelo para asegurar una producción de calidad, dice Bernardo. Actua...

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Alex Podolinsky (1925-2019) Was an Australian Biodynamic Farming Giant

In 1988 I had the good fortune, along with my husband Christian, to assist Christopher Bird and Peter Tompkins on their upcoming book Secrets of the Soil, after their previous worldwide bestseller The Secret Life of Plants. I assisted on the chapters, “The Dust of Life” and “Life and Death in the Forest,” which focused on remineralization. During that year, Christopher Bird travelled to Australia to join Alex Podolinsky on his yearly tour of biodynamic farms, which covered over a million and a quarter acres of land. Christopher would send the hand-written ...

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Towards a Geotherapy Institute

(Edited for this publication by Carter Haydu; Originally published: https://cologie.wordpress.com/2020/02/16/32-towards-a-geotherapy-institute-vers-la-creation-dun-institut-pour-une-geotherapie-en-francais-plus-bas/) Creating a Geotherapy Institute has re-emerged as an idea in recent weeks, energized largely thanks to Mackenze McAleer and his Geonauts — a company involved with the exciting new field of ‘graviculture’.   Geonauts joins the Geotherapy Institute cause Soil4climate’s Seth Itzkan and Karl Thidemann, promoters of Alan Savory’s holistic grazing ...

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Remineralization’s Success in Brazil Draws Ire

At the moment there is a very strong clash within Embrapa, the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation, which recently released a policy clarification memo saying that there was no proof of the effectiveness of the use of rock powders. The use of remineralizers is growing rapidly among medium and large farmers. The fact that more and more people are using remineralizers, including conventional farmers who produce thousands of hectares, has put the chemical fertilizer producers on alert. This is particularly true because Brazil is not included in the global elite who ...

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Call for Papers for the IV Congresso Brasileiro de Rochagem

(Photo from the III Congresso Brasileiro de Rochagem in 2016 conference.) Translated from Brazilian Portuguese. Original version available here. The Event The third millennium began with an unprecedented recognition of the importance of the use of natural resources. Environmental issues have gained in visibility and share importance along with economic issues. As a result, there is a greater concern with food security and socio-environmental and economic development, without losing sight of the preservation of biodiversity and the well-being of the human species. In ...

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Remineralize the Earth makes the ‘Platinum’ grade with GuideStar

Image of RTE's listing on the GuideStar website, showing the Platinum Seal of Transparency.
Remineralize the Earth has received the GuideStar’s Platinum Seal of Transparency — their newest and highest level of recognition. The official description of this rating says, “This organization is a platinum-level GuideStar participant, demonstrating its commitment to transparency.” The prestigious honor demonstrates RTE’s commitment to measuring progress and results. Fewer than 3 percent of nonprofits achieve a GuideStar platinum rating. Each year, millions of people, including individual donors, nonprofit leaders, grant makers, government officials and ...

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The Violets in the Mountains Break the Rocks – Kosmologym’s Remineralization Art Installation

Members of Kosmologym playing basketball in the Dirtball installation
This is a reprint of an article originally published by Kosmologym (http://www.kosmologym.com/dirtball.html) We previously reported on Walker Tufts’ plans to create an art installation that illustrates the concept of remineralization for the Franconia Sculpture Park in Shafer, MN. The installation has been completed.   Dirtball is an invitation to a game that is always going on beneath our feet. The court invites you to join this soil making game along with birds, bugs, plants, minerals and weather. The prairie plants in the key garden below the purple martin ...

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Tribute to Remineralization Pioneer Cameron Thomson of the Seer Centre (1947-2019)

Sepia photo of Cameron Thomson from a print magazine cover
“The early history of soil remineralization in Scotland was the result of the vision and commitment of Cameron and Moira Thomson of the Sustainable Ecological Earth Regeneration (SEER) Centre just outside Pitlochry in Highland Perthshire. These remarkable people championed the issue to the point where it is gradually gaining mainstream interest. This reflects growing interest in the protection of soils as a fundamental resource of any sustainable society, the clear relationship between soils and the wider environment and the relationship between soils, the foods they ...

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