Life from Rock: EcoStone Changing the Landscape of Farming

Guido A. López Cárdenas with a crop of table grapes in Spain grown with EcoStone. (Disponible en español.) EcoStone is a mineral fertilizer that not only meets the strictest criteria of organic agriculture, but also promises to significantly boost crop productivity and nutrient density to feed a growing population’s growing appetite. With 92 natural elements that return key nutrients to the soil, EcoStone composition rapidly dissolves in water for fast soil enrichment. Further, the rock dust fertilizer contains a magnetic field, which helps with small ...

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Join Us at the Global Earth Repair Conference

Restoration efforts in the world are already substantial and there is a lot of experience and knowledge to draw on. The Global Earth Repair Conference is an exchange of information between earth repair practitioners. The conference addresses both the technical and social aspects of planetary regeneration. --Global Earth Repair   Our hope is for the world community to act immediately in order to minimize the costs and damage that will result from past and ongoing maladapted practices. Only a truly global solution can work. Our best chance is to grow our way ...

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A Visit to André Leu’s Regenerative Organic Fruit Farm in Queensland

Methods for regenerating soil carbon and fertility have been developed for every soil and climate. I recently visited André Leu's organic fruit farm in Queensland, Australia. I was accompanied by a Toronto documentary film crew funded by the Canadian government.

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Remineralize the Earth Launches Fundraising Campaign on Patreon

One of the most important things humans can do as constructive passengers aboard Spaceship Earth is to help restore the health of our planet's soils and climate. Remineralize the Earth was one of the first organizations to identify and accept that challenge. Joanna Campe introduced me to the concept of remineralization over twenty years ago. The efforts and significant achievements at RTE are deserving of your support. Greg Watson, former Commissioner of Agriculture, Massachusetts Since 1996, Remineralize the Earth (RTE), a Northampton, MA based, 501(c)3 non-profit ...

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Unveiling the First Generation Bionutrient Meter

We previously reported on the exciting prospects of the Bionutrient Meter, a hand-held device that measures the nutrient content of foods. Now, the Bionutrient Meter is a reality and is available for purchase. The Bionutrient Food Association are right now building the first 300 for early adopters, and they will make about 50 available at the upcoming Soil & Nutrition Conference November 30 - December 2, 2018 in Southbridge, MA. The device will be unveiled at the pre-conference on November 30, where it will likely sell out. Early adopters of the Bionutrient Meter are ...

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Dirt Rich, a Geotherapy Documentary, Screening at Festivals around the World

"Touching, instructive, endearing, astute, grounded, heartwarming, and remarkable. Adjectives cannot describe how skillfully Dirt Rich portrays the emergent wisdom of the new breed of earth stewards, scientists, smallholders, agronomists, and activists who brilliantly husband land (and animals) in order to midwife a regenerative civilization." --Paul Hawken [UPDATE: You can watch the full documentary on Vimeo on Demand.] Filmmaker Marcelina Cravat and the team behind the award winning environmental documentary Angel Azul have released Dirt Rich, a first of its kind ...

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Conflict Puts Remineralization Project on Hold in Cameroon

Due to political conflict in Cameroon, FESCAM’s successful remineralization project is now on hold indefinitely. We have previously reported on the ongoing development of this project, including Remineralize the Earth’s (RTE) partnership with FESCAM. We hope to see the project return and thrive in the future and that the conflict in Cameroon will be resolved soon. Cameroon is a sub-Saharan country with about 60% of the population engaged in agriculture, which contributes approximately 40% of the Gross National Product. Cameroon suffers from serious soil ...

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Upcoming Conference “Regenerating Vitality: Realizing Nature’s Potential”

The 8th Annual Soil and Nutrition Conference will come to to Southbridge, MA this December 1 - 2, with a pre-conference event on November 30. The title for this year’s conference is “Regenerating Vitality: Realizing Nature’s Potential.” This event will bring together many leading members of the growing movement around quality. The event will have 29 featured speakers -- including successful farmers, cutting-edge researchers, enlightened health practitioners, and pioneers of food quality -- sharing their collective knowledge of the broader food and environm...

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The Ecoagro Revolution in Mexico

Bernardo Castro Medina at the ECOAGRO expo in 2012. Diagram shows progressive loss of soils through erosion and remineralization as a solution.

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To Love and Regenerate the Earth: Pioneer spotlight on Don Weaver

“Generous worldwide soil remineralization is not just another nice idea or ‘option’ to make the world greener, but a most fundamental climate-rebalancing and world-saving necessity.” These are the words of Don Weaver — ecologist, researcher, writer, organic grower, and long-time Remineralize the Earth advisor — in his 2009 open letter welcoming and appealing to the new administration of President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama. As with his outreach to the Obamas, Weaver has dedicated 40 years of effort to educating the public of the great need to ...

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