Join Us and Have a Local and Global Impact!

On 12.12.13, show your support for Remineralize the Earth during VALLEY GIVES, the second annual 24-hour celebration of generosity. On this one day campaign, every donation and donor we receive will further help us claim our share of more than $200,000 in cash awards. Last year, Valley Gives raised over $1 million for over 250 organizations from more than 6,000 individuals. We are excited to be participating this year with our local commitment to the Pioneer Valley to remineralize gardens and farms and grow nutrient dense food for all! (more…)

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Post – Project post

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur id neque urna. Morbi fringilla risus non risus ornare elementum. In vitae sollicitudin arcu. Cras dui massa, ullamcorper vel porta eget, porttitor sit amet lorem. Nunc viverra eros ac nisi hendrerit dignissim.

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Post – Featured compact

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur id neque urna. Morbi fringilla risus non risus ornare elementum. In vitae sollicitudin arcu. Cras dui massa, ullamcorper vel porta eget, porttitor sit amet lorem. Nunc viverra eros ac nisi hendrerit dignissim. Nunc consequat nunc quis massa pulvinar eget mollis leo lobortis. Nullam vitae quam neque. Integer bibendum tortor eu neque malesuada pharetra hendrerit dolor pellentesque. Vestibulum dapibus nibh sed ligula feugiat sit amet pharetra massa dignissim. Sed in nunc ut dui fringilla vestibulum non nec ...

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Workplace relations

Macaroon croissant pudding sweet roll. Jelly candy tootsie roll macaroon sweet chupa chups fruitcake gingerbread. Oat cake gummi bears gingerbread topping gummies wafer biscuit wafer sweet. Cupcake cupcake bonbon pie marzipan candy tootsie roll. Halvah lemon drops pastry cupcake. Tart bonbon lemon drops biscuit donut. Sesame snaps carrot cake cotton candy powder. Apple pie candy sesame snaps toffee liquorice jelly. Muffin jelly donut. Muffin brownie bear claw muffin. Chupa chups jelly beans gummies fruitcake marshmallow tart. Sugar plum cookie lemon drops ...

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Spotlight on Agrogeologist Peter Van Straaten, PhD

At the II Brazilian “Rochagem” Conference, which took place in Poco de Caldas, Minas Gerais, in May 2013, Professor Peter van Straaten gave a series of talks on the use of rock dust to increase soil health for agriculture. As a pioneer in the practice of using rocks for soil remineralization, van Straaten shared his extensive knowledge with a broad spectrum of scientists and researchers who attended the conference. An expert in agrogeology, which Van Straaten defines as “geology in service of agriculture,” he has built an international network of projects that ...

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Highlights from the 2013 II Brazilian “Rochagem” Conference

From May 12-17, 2013 the Second Brazilian “Rochagem” Conference convened an impressive assembly of scientists, researchers and technicians from Brazil and around the world. Joanna Campe, Executive Director of Remineralize the Earth, was invited to speak at the conference and was given the honor of presenting second on the opening day of the event. Joanna's presentation entitled “The Potential of Remineralization as a Global Movement” covered the historical context and current developments relating to ecological and social challenges that are being faced regionally ...

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From the Canadian Arctic to the Niger Delta: Finely Ground Rock Dust to Bioremediate Oil Spills in Waterways and Farmlands

Environmental chemist Ugo Amadioha, a native Nigerian, born and raised in the Etekwuru-Egbema Kingdom in Imo State, Nigeria, recently expressed interest to Joanna Campe of Remineralize the Earth about creating a project that will adopt remineralization as a means to bioremediate degraded farmlands in the Niger Delta. He is currently Senior Chemist with Chemtech Consulting Group in New Jersey, USA and is seeking partnerships and funding for such a project. (more…)

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Growing Movement of Remineralization and Agroecology in Brazil

Edinei Almeida is an agroecologist and PhD student currently working to bring awareness and understanding of agroecology to small family farms in rural Brazil. As part of the Brazilian NGO, AS-PTA (Assessoria e Serviços a Projetos em Agricultura Alternativa), whose mission is to promote ecological methods of agriculture that question conventional industrial practices, Edinei works with 500 family farms in Southern Brazil to show the benefits of adding rock dust to soil. Suzi Huff Theodoro, PhD, one of the main organizers of the 2nd Brazilian “Rochagem” Conference, ...

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May 12-17, 2013: Brazil Leads the Way with Upcoming Conference

Joanna Campe, executive director of Remineralize the Earth, has been invited to give a presentation at the II Brazilian Stonemeal Congress (II BSC). Her presentation will be on an overview of the global remineralization movement and its potential. (more…)

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Biochar and Rock Dust for Nutrient Dense Food, Soil Fertility Restoration, and Carbon Sequestration

Biochar and Rock Dust for Nutrient Dense Food, soil fertility restoration, and Carbon Sequestration Groundbreaking research project with rock dust and biochar at New Harmony Farm in West Newbury, MA “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead, Anthropologist Working on solutions to some of the world’s threatening environmental challenges and creating the world we want to live in is a thrilling opportunity. At Remineralize the Earth we are doing just that ...

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