Dr. Tso-Cheng Chang: The Amazing Tale of a Farmer, From Farm to Table

Tso-Cheng Chang is a small-scale farmer in Amherst, Massachusetts. His popular restaurant, Amherst Chinese Food, attracts people from all over the Pioneer Valley to its fresh, organic, delicious Chinese food. Dr. Chang is a strong believer in soil remineralization; he has been using rock dust on his organic farm since 1995 in his determined quest to eliminate the need for pesticides and to grow nutrient-dense food. At this point, his soil has become so rich that he has not felt the need to add rock dust in the last five years. Born in a small town in Shandong Province, ...

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Individual Membership

INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP The vision of soil remineralization is spreading with a clear momentum from gardener and farmer to industry, scientist and policy maker. Remineralize the Earth is the leading resource in coordinating research and application of this growing science, with practitioners and researchers throughout the world. We at Remineralize the Earth are making rapid progress towards our goal to bring the concept and application of soil remineralization into the mainstream. Overall we are increasing the visibility of the organization to attract a ...

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Remineralization In Rural Brazil

A research project in Bahia proves remineralization to be an effective adjunct strategy for remote impoverished communities to produce higher yields of quality crops while remaining independent from chemical fertilizers and government subsidies. (more…)

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Grow Larger Vegetables with Rock Dust – Benefits and How to Apply

RockDust builds soil fertility. Which product is best?

Rock Dust and Pest Control

Among organic methods of pest control, rock dust is one of the safest for people, soil, and plants. (more…)

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RTE’s Coordinator Jorge Villaseñor Garibi Researches and Promotes The Use of Rock Dust Throughout Mexico

“The biggest challenge in teaching about the use of rock dust is breaking the paradigm of a sixty year-long tradition of using chemical fertilizers,” said Jorge Villaseñor Garibi in a recent interview for Remineralize the Earth (RTE) that explored his experiences with training Mexican farmers in the use of rock dust. (more…)

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Delving into nutrient density-RUS

Питательность - новый стандарт в органическом земледелии Автор: Kelsey BlackwellПеревод: Olga IourotchkinaФото: Jennifer Wilt В центре плодородной долины Уилламетт на западе штата Орегон фермер Боб Уилт обходит ряды своей тридцатигектарной плантации органической черники, внимательно осматривая и срывая спелые ягоды для анализа. ...

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Perfect nutrient dense blueberries integrating compost teas, minerals and biological soil management

Organic Connections magazine has published a story on blueberry grower Bob Wilt who found that the more efficiently he was able to get minerals into his berries, the higher the brix measurement went. Hence, he concentrated on doing that and still does to this day. And as the brix has gone up, so has the flavor. (more…)

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Perfect nutrient dense blueberries integrating compost teas, minerals and biological soil management

Perfect nutrient dense blueberries integrating compost teas, minerals and biological soil management Blueberry grower Bob Wilt found that the more efficiently he was able to get minerals into his berries, the higher the brix measurement went. Hence, he concentrated on doing that and still does to this day. And as the brix has gone up, so has the flavor.“You’re aiming for a higher percent of dissolved solids in the plant—a higher percentage of complex carbohydrates, sugars and proteins,” says Dan Kittredge, executive director of the Real Food Campaign and an ...

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