Volcanic rock dust therapy for soil

  Volcanic rock dust therapy for soil 400% increase in rice yields in Malaysia with rock dust plus soil micro-organisms "Volcanic rock dust therapy for soil", an article in the business section of The Star Online, reports that volcanic rock dust combined with a bacterial based soil conditioner may soon become indispensable in the Malaysian agricultural sector. Robert W. Taylor, chairman of MRD Inc. (M) Sdn Bhd, is doing trials with the Agriculture Department and they have tried it out with rice fields, pineapple farms, and banana orchards with good results. ...

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Clinton speaks on global warming leading to onset of ice age

Clinton speaks on global warming leading to onset of ice age A recent Associated Press article, 28 January 2006, quoted the speech of Former President Clinton given at the Davos Economic Summit: "First, I worry about climate change," Clinton said in an onstage conversation with the founder of the World Economic Forum. "It's the only thing that I believe has the power to fundamentally end the march of civilization as we know it, and make a lot of the other efforts that we're making irrelevant and impossible."   Clinton called for "a serious global effort to ...

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Remineralization on a roll:

Remineralization on a roll: Joy Kogias of New South Wales, Australia, has come up with an ingenious product to combat global warming, the greenhouse effect, loss of marine biodiversity and mass extinction. Enviro-Roll Sea Tissue is for use on all ocean going vessels, offshore oil platforms, etc...When used and disposed of in fresh or saltwater environments, the toilet paper, which is impregnated with glacial moraine, nourishes the burgeoning phytoplankton which are a key to stabilizing the climate. Enviro-Roll Land Tissue promotes the growth of land vegetation once used ...

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We Want Real Food

We Want Real Food We Want Real Food is a book that calls for the remineralisation of soil and advocates the use of Rock Dust. It is currently receiving publicity in the Daily Mail and the Daily Telegraph. In the past 50 years vegetables on sale in the UK have lost 24% of their magnesium, 27% of their iron and 46% of their calcium. It is time to stop the rot! The campaign for real food begins with us, whether we shop at farmers markets, organic suppliers or at the supermarkets. We Want Real Food by Graham Harvey sets out what we can do to win the fight back for 'nutrien...

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Remineralization Seminar in Norway

The seminar took place in the Norwegian University of Life Sciences in Aas, Norway on March 13th, 2006. The gathering included people from many different institutions and industries to discuss different aspects of rock powder application in agriculture. A report on this conference by Michael Heim can be found in the Forum. Many questions were explored and issues addressed that are relevant to practical application of rock dust worldwide. The Norwegian University of Life Sciences is a leading international centre of knowledge, focused on higher education and research within ...

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Aggregates to Agriculture

In an exciting new development, the National Stone, Sand and Gravel Association (NSSGA) is taking great interest in the use of production fines for soil remineralization. Mark S. Kuhar, in an editorial of the April issue of Pit and Quarry magazine, a trade magazine for the aggregate industry, announces the current forming of a National Task Force for Soil Remineralization that will strategize on how to get stone producers together with farmers and nursery operators, "in other words, how to move aggregates to agriculture." Read editorial To revisit the 1994 Symposium on ...

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An Interview With Bob Cain

An Interview With Bob Cain Bob Cain, of SeaAgri, Inc. was recently featured in the November, 2006 issue of ACRES USA, the Voice of Eco-Agriculture. He is part of the minerals-from-the-ocean fertilizer movement and the article is called "Fulfilling Maynard Murray's Dream; Remineralizing Soils & Food via Sea Minerals".

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Large Market for Remineralization in China

  Large Market for Remineralization in China Biotech Bodisen, a large organic agricultural fertilizer company in China, was recently named the 16th fastest growing company in China by Forbes Magazine. Located in the country with the largest fertilizer market in the world (US $17 billion per year), Biotech Bodisen markets bio-based, fully degradable fertilizer products absent of manure and waste. They have recently acquired a large quantity of fossilized mineral deposits, which has been integrated into their product line. Bodisen recognizes the import...

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Researcher Andrew Harley Joins Our Staff

Researcher Andrew Harley Joins Our Staff We are excited to have Andrew Harley from the University of Western Australia join our staff. He has moved from Perth to Denver, Colorado with his family. Andrew comes to us with a background in geoscience and a PhD in the area of Remineralization. As he describes in the Meet the Staff section, "[We will be working closely] to identify and pursue funding opportunities that merge growers, suppliers and scientists to further demonstrate the importance of remineralization in organic agriculture, nutrient cycling, soil remediation and ...

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The Carbon Credit/Carbon Sequestration Movement

The Carbon Credit/Carbon Sequestration Movement Remineralization for forests as a part of carbon sequestration projects offers a tremendous opportunity to remineralize through large scale projects worldwide and to begin to stabilize the climate (in combination with other worthwhile strategies, of course). A study in the Research section of our website shows 4 times the timber volume of a spruce forest over a 24 year period. One application lasted for 60 years. If you are a frequent flyer, commuter, or would simply like to offset your personal carbon emissions, you ...

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