Carbon Drawdown Initiative Advocates New Recipe for ERW Research

A room with hundreds of lysimeters made from black buckets
In a time of increasing uncertainty about the future, unprecedented fossil fuel consumption, and the frustrating stagnation of deployable green energies, it might seem difficult to imagine a positive future. But those at the Carbon Drawdown Initiative are self-proclaimed “optimists” who see the present period as an opportunity to learn as much as we can and stock our green arsenals for when the time comes that our society is ready for collective change. The Carbon Drawdown Initiative focuses on supporting research, negative emission technology, and public/political ...

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Restoring Soils in Kilimanjaro – Engineers Without Borders Seeks Funding to Fight Food Insecurity in Tanzania

Mount Kilimanjaro
This project contributes to Sustainable Development Goals Introduction David Paul Blessing examines volcanic rocks that will be used to produce a locally sourced, nature-based fertilizer for small-scale farmers in the Kilimanjaro region, Tanzania. David Paul Blessing, President of Engineers Without Borders (EWB) in Tanzania, has a science-backed plan to bring better outcomes to small-scale farmers, their families and communities in the Kilimanjaro region in northeastern Tanzania. Across Tanzania, agriculture employs 75% of the working population. ...

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Huplaso Grows: Natural Mineralizer from New Brunswick Quarry Making Inroads Across Canada, World

containers of blueberries on ground with someone in background picking more blueberries
(Updated May 7, 2023) Jean-Paul Dubé The Huplaso quarry in Bathurst, New Brunswick, contains a rock that is rich in more than 57 minerals (macro, micro and trace elements) and is ideal for soil remineralization and organic plant growth. “It increases about 27% the health of the plant,” said Stéphane Losier, business development director. He added that the product, made from ultramafic basalt-type volcanic rock dust, improves yields by more than 35%, balances pH and increases soil paramagnetism levels.  According to Jean-Paul Dubé, Huplaso’s North ...

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Call for Enhanced Weathering Projects for Google’s 2023 Carbon Removal Research Awards

Photo of a tractor spraying rock dust into a field
Deadline for applications is April 28, 2023. Apply through their website. Diagram of the enhanced weathering process. In 2020, Google announced its goal to achieve net zero emissions by 2030. Google plans to achieve this target through reducing direct and indirect emissions (scope 1, 2, and 3) by 50% and investing in carbon removal technologies to offset any remaining emissions. As a way to propel technology-based carbon removal solutions forward and meet their own sustainability goals, Google has announced it is accepting proposals for its 2023 Google Carbon ...

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AG-USA: The Power of Sea Minerals and Microbes to Restore Soils

Paul Schneider Jr. showing a thick layer of topsoil and healthy grass developed over Georgia Red Clay (Ultisol) after treatment with MycorrPlus. “Healthy soil is soil that is alive. For farms and gardens, healthy soil is the key to almost everything, including greater availability of nutrients (less fertilizer), drought tolerance, weed control, nutrient dense plants and healthy livestock. For better yields and increased production, great soil is the answer.”  Paul Schneider Jr. on the AG-USA website Paul Schneider Jr. In the late 1960s, animal nutriti...

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Remineralization Pioneer David Yarrow on Transforming Soils to Transform Ourselves

There’s no doubt that the industrialization of agriculture has changed the world we live in. With the advent of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, ‘agribusiness’ is a commercial enterprise seeking to do what most businesses do — maximize profit. But soil isn’t a static input, a sterile medium,  or an endless reservoir from which crops will always sprout. In fact, treating soil in this way is a fast-track to depleting it. Continuing down this path is not sustainable, and it’s becoming clearer that we must rethink the way this system works, and move ...

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Engineers Without Borders is Addressing Food Security in Tanzania

David Paul and several children collecting water in buckets from a lake.
David Paul and Pupils of Chagu Primary School fetching water from the lake with crocodiles. Click to enlarge photos and graphics. David Paul (standing, left) uses a groundwater detection electrode system to survey water resources Kilimanjaro region. This work is part of a project to supply clean, safe drinking water to the Maasai Community of this area.     David Paul Blessing, current president of Engineers Without Borders-Tanzania (EWB-Tanzania), sat in his hotel room in Nguruka township after a long day of work. He and his team were on-site ...

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UNDO Matters: UK carbon removal company taking remineralization mainstream

The story of UNDO Carbon Removal began as the story of the Future Forest Company, says Jim Mann, cofounder and chief executive officer of both, with the former using enhanced weathering and the latter taking the reforestation route to ecological restoration in the United Kingdom. And so, UNDO spun out from Future Forest in mid-2022. Jim Mann, cofounder and CEO of UNDO “We were trying to move quickly with in-house rock weathering, trying to scale fast. Reforestation and ecological restoration are relatively slow processes. You might spend a year planning and then ...

Read More and Nasdaq in Partnership Propel a Green Economy Forward

A seminal breakthrough in the global carbon removal market came when Nasdaq  acquired a majority stake of in June 2021. This partnership between, described as “the world’s leading carbon crediting platform for engineered carbon removal,” and Nasdaq, a global electronic stock exchange, represents a huge opportunity to scale the marketplace as more companies look to offset their emissions. and their innovative CORCs Antti Vihavainen took the first steps toward creating in a pitch to Scandinavian clean ...

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Crash Course on Enhanced Rock Weathering for Carbon Removal

Large truck in a bare farm plot along with piles of rock dust
Rock dust delivered to agricultural fields for a terrestrial enhanced weathering field trial (photo courtesy of Lithos). Click photos to enlarge. Melting iceberg, Greenland (credits: NASA/Saskia Madlener). According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), without significant cuts in greenhouse gas emissions, the global temperature will increase by 3 to 4 degrees Celsius by the year 2100. This could have catastrophic consequences for human society. We are already living with the effects of the 1.1-degree increase that has occurred since the ...

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