Restora Life Minerals, LLC

Larry Strite 439 Ramsey Ave., Ste G, Chambersburg, PA 17201 (800) 461-5513 Website under construction Flora-Stim, MRX, Vita-tone, high-calcium bentonite, marcasite clay from Mississippi "The Organic Program for Increased Farm Profits" -- distributors welcome

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Vulcan Minerals Company

Vulcan Minerals Company Contact: see website for various locations in 20 states -- click on "facility finder" Granite, gravel screenings and pond fines, limestone, dolomite Primarily bulk tonnage

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Dan Kittredge

Spencer Brook Farm, Concord, MA10/23/07 Tomatoes in full bloom and lush growth going through third flowering/fruiting cycle in MA. growing on soil that was last year not much more than low pH sand and gravel. A mix of rock powders was used to bring the plants to this state. Locally available granite schist, highly paramagnetic blacksand, high trace element spectrum summa minerals as well as high calcium lime and colloidal soft rock phosphate. None of the traditional fungus or wilt diseases struck or hornworms as can be easily seen by the lush growth and numerous fruiting ...

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Julie Rawson

Julie Rawson Founder and Manager, Many Hands Organic Farm CSA, Barre, MassachusettsExecutive Director, Northeast Farming Association (NOFA) After success with some small scale testing with Ashfield Stone last year, we applied Suma Minerals this year (2007). I have had over the top harvests of sugar snap peas. Last week we harvested over 200 pounds of peas from about 420 row feet of plants that rose to 8 or 9 feet in height. The leaves on things like chard, beets, flat leaf parsley are stronger and more turgid than I have known them to be. There are many fewer old and ...

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Soil Remineralization Research Forum in Scotland Sponsored by Scottish EPA is Now Online!

Soil Remineralization Research Forum in Scotland Sponsored by Scottish EPA is Now Online! Dr. Robin Szmidt of Active Compost Ltd is coordinator for the new Soil Remineralization Research Forum in Scotland. Sponsored by the Scottish Environment Agency (SEPA) the forum: promotes and develops membership by industry bodies, communities, and the public sector; assists the development and delivery of robust remineralization research; supports advisory activities in the sector; facilitates further funding for the generic development of remineralization; liaises with like-mi...

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Organic Farming in Kathmandu

Organic Farming in Kathmandu Winrock International's recent work in Kathmandu is helping farmers go organic and expand their market. The organization, which encourages environmentally sustainable economic development around the world, encourages local farmers to enrich their soil with rock dust.

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Geologists from Brazil Produce Natural Fertilizer

RockAll is the first and only company in Brazil to produce natural fertilizers made of minerals found in rocks. Established by Prudêncio Rodrigues de Castro Júnior and José Carlos Alves Ferreira, the company is based in the the mid-western Brazilian state of Mato Grosso and the fertilizer is now ready for the international market.

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Rockdust Is the New Organic!

Two of the leading Organic Certification bodies, namely OF&G (Organic Farmers and Growers) and SOPA (Scottish Organic Producers Association) have approved SEER Rockdust for use by their members. This means that such benefits as increased yield, pest and drought resistance, improved flavor and higher nutritional benefit can now be realised on a professional basis by the organic movement. (more…)

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Remineralize the Earth Under Sponsorship!

  Remineralize the Earth is being generously sponsored by Natural Vitality under the company's Natural Revitalization program. As part of the program's aim to address global warming, RTE will be receiving a percentage of Natural Vitality's profits in 2007. The company will also play an integral role in helping us expand our membership base and has designed the new logo for Remineralize the Earth seen here. Click here to read the press release!

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Dan Kittredge & Andrew Harley Present to the Biomass Coordinating Committee of ACORE

  (From Left) Dan Kittredge, Executive Director of Remineralize the Earth; Bill Holmberg, Chairman of the BCC at ACORE; and Andrew Harley, Remineralization Research Scientist On March 5th, Executive Director Dan Kittredge and Scientific Consultant Andrew Harley attended the annual meeting of the Biomass Coordinating Committee (BCC) of ACORE, the American Council on Renewable Energy. They were speakers presenting as part of a project in Nevada run by the department of prisons that will test tree growth for biomass production. The project is experimenting with a ...

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