Remineralize Soils to Optimum Elemental Balance

SeaAgri, Inc. introduces SEA-90, a 100% water soluble, natural, non-synthetic, mined mineral fertilizer approved for use by certified organic farmers is avaiable in North America. SEA-90 is a remarkable new product containing 90+ essential elements. (more…)

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Revisiting the 1994 USDA Symposium on Soil Remineralization

Soil Remineralization An Essential Environmental Action By Frederick I. Scott, Jr. On May 24, 1994, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) (Beltsville, MD), the U.S. Bureau of Mines (USBM) (Washington, DC), the National Stone Association (NSA) Washington, DC), and the National Aggregates Association (NAA) (Silver Springs, MD) cosponsored a forum on "Soil Remineralization and Sustainable Agriculture" at the USDA Agricultural Research Station in Beltsville, MD. That forum could represent a milestone marking officially-sanctioned efforts to implement long overdue action ...

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Stone Age Science: Rejuvenating the Earth with Rock Dust

Dylan Keating explores the global implications of rock dust and explains why applying it in our gardens can transform our crops. (more…)

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Minerals for Aging Soils

By Dr. Lee Klinger, Ph.D. Now that I've passed the half-century mark I feel fortunate to be only slightly worse for the wear as my body copes with getting older. None-the-less, lingering aches in my joints and bones are telling signs that my body is aging. These aches come as no surprise of course. (more…)

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High School Students Astonished!

High School Students Astonished! Under the tutelage of Botany teacher Michael Collins at the Reeds Spring High School in Missouri, students have been testing a natural trace mineral product making its mark in organic and traditional growing circles. Students found that the addition of AZOMITE(R) to the planting medium dramatically improved germination, growth, size, vigor, bloom life, bloom color, leaf color, reproductive organ size and the number of babies produced. (more…)

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The Quest for Nutrient Density

The Quest for Nutrient Density By Jon C. Frank Food... The mere mention of this single word brings so many images to mind; enjoyment, family, celebration, community, satisfaction, creativity, and exploration to name just a few. Around the world cultures and food are inextricably intertwined. Food, like language, defines a culture. In America a culture war of sorts is going on between an industrialized food supply and those who wish to celebrate food as a labor of love. We also see a tremendous surge of interest in the nutritional aspect of foods. On the one hand we see a ...

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How to Remineralize the Earth: Getting vital nutrients back into our soil

How to Remineralize the Earth: Getting vital nutrients back into our soil We know that "traditionally grown" fruits and vegetables we see in supermarkets are both lacking in vitamins and minerals and have added chemicals from fertilizers and pesticides. These toxic additions in particular fueled the demand for organic produce but did not completely address the lack of nutrients. Going back in time, our soil was rich with minerals, which found their way into our foods in healthy doses. Mineralized soil grew healthier crops providing the vitamins and minerals we now need to ...

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Agroforestry Project in Costa Rica: Food, Fuels & Income to Sustain Local Communities

Remineralize the Earth is initiating its first international project in conjunction with John Todd, an internationally-recognized biologist and a visionary leader in the field of ecological design, and Ocean Arks International. (more…)

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Mr. Natural, Carrot Shaman Bob Cannard

Carrot Shaman Bob Cannard grows the most celebrated designer vegetables in the Golden State. By Christina Waters With its unruly hedgerows of peach trees and musical creek meandering down the mountain, Cannard Farms in Sonoma, California is by any standard a rustic Eden. It was an exuberant endorsement by Greg Steltenpohl, founder of Odwalla juices, that brought me here: "Bob's carrots are amazing--he's a carrot shaman!" Steltenpohl had put his money where his mouth was, retaining Bob Cannard to develop Odwalla's new 65-acre carrot patch, whence flowed the very roots of ...

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Remineralize the Earth Embarks on a Research Project at the University of Massachusetts Amherst

By Dan Kittredge Throughout the 20th century and into the 21st the nutrient density in our food crops has been consistently declining. USDA studies show that an average apple from the 1960's had 5 times the nutrition of that same apple produced today. This is an average of course, and there are many farms who have figured out how to produce high nutrient density crops even while the national average has been plummeting. Remineralize The Earth has just embarked on a research project in collaboration with the University of Massachusetts to document the effect on nutrient ...

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