Love Your Neighbor: Texas philanthropist makes remineralization part of his Christian mission

David Munson leaning on a tree, wearing denim shirt.
‘Love your neighbor as yourself’ is not only the Second Great Commandment as cited by Jesus Christ in the New Testament, but it’s the mantra by which David Munson operates — both when he’s booking guests on his Dallas-Fort Worth-area TV show, as well as when he advocates on behalf of remineralization to politicians. “There’s a fight between good and evil going on in this world,” he says. “You can either be on the good side or the bad side. You can either be working to make the world a better place, or you could be pulling it down and mining it and just ...

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Survey Says: Nutrient Levels Vary Greatly In Bionutrient’s First Annual Report

The Bionutrient Food Association (BFA) has recently found that the same crops grown under different conditions offer wide variations in nutrient levels, which should be of major interest to consumers. In fact, antioxidant, polyphenol and mineral levels in carrots and spinach appear to vary significantly from sources such as farms, farmers markets and stores, researchers concluded in BFA’s first annual report on food supply nutrient variation, released earlier this year. “We discovered a range of variation in mineral nutrient levels between 400 to 1,800 per cent, ...

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‘Redribble-ize’ the Earth: Basketball Court Art Installation Explores Environmental Themes, Replenishes Soils

Above: Drawing of the proposed 'human' side of the basketball court, with tentative text in free throw lane.   When it comes to communicating the brilliant, practical, natural and economic solution that is rock dust, a creative remineralization basketball court provides the ‘slam-dunk’ combination of educational art and inspirational play. “Games have been really successful for us in finding a place where we can have conversations with people outside the ideological frameworks of either ‘liberal’ or ‘conservative’ to instead focus on the issues ...

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Cannabis to the Rescue: Flowering Herb Offers Effective, Economic Means of Capturing CO2

Equinox Farm's Ted Dobson showing the soil where cannabis will be grown.   Cannabis may very well be the ‘drug of choice’ in terms of organically sequestering atmospheric carbon dioxide through agricultural production, aided by the highly-effective, natural solution that is rock dust remineralization. “I’ve been fascinated with remineralizing for decades,” says Ted Dobson, general manager and farmer-in-chief at Equinox Farm near Berkshire Hills, Massachusetts. With the help of some rock dust, the New England horticulturalist sees cannabis ...

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Soil Remineralization Shapes Yields and Elevates Food Nutrition: An Interview with Philipp Swoboda

Philipp Swoboda grew up with a forest bordering his family’s hillside home in Austria, which he believes contributed greatly to his early love of nature. Throughout his upbringing, being in and around nature was essentially the norm. Although he lived on the outskirts of an urban area, Philipp recalls his passion for exploring the forest and seeing wildlife in its natural habitat. Fast forward a couple decades and Philipp’s passion for nature continued with his obtaining a Bachelor’s Degree in environmental system science, course-heavy in geography, and then ...

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Life from Rock: EcoStone Changing the Landscape of Farming

Guido A. López Cárdenas with a crop of table grapes in Spain grown with EcoStone. (Disponible en español.) EcoStone is a mineral fertilizer that not only meets the strictest criteria of organic agriculture, but also promises to significantly boost crop productivity and nutrient density to feed a growing population’s growing appetite. With 92 natural elements that return key nutrients to the soil, EcoStone composition rapidly dissolves in water for fast soil enrichment. Further, the rock dust fertilizer contains a magnetic field, which helps with small ...

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A Visit to André Leu’s Regenerative Organic Fruit Farm in Queensland

Methods for regenerating soil carbon and fertility have been developed for every soil and climate. I recently visited André Leu's organic fruit farm in Queensland, Australia. I was accompanied by a Toronto documentary film crew funded by the Canadian government.

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Remineralize the Earth Launches Fundraising Campaign on Patreon

One of the most important things humans can do as constructive passengers aboard Spaceship Earth is to help restore the health of our planet's soils and climate. Remineralize the Earth was one of the first organizations to identify and accept that challenge. Joanna Campe introduced me to the concept of remineralization over twenty years ago. The efforts and significant achievements at RTE are deserving of your support. Greg Watson, former Commissioner of Agriculture, Massachusetts Since 1996, Remineralize the Earth (RTE), a Northampton, MA based, 501(c)3 non-profit ...

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The Ecoagro Revolution in Mexico

Bernardo Castro Medina at the ECOAGRO expo in 2012. Diagram shows progressive loss of soils through erosion and remineralization as a solution.

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The Leverhulme Centre for Climate Change Mitigation – Advancing remineralization into the mainstream

Responding to climate change is one of the most complicated and one of the most long-term projects humanity has ever undertaken. If we're going to manage this challenge, it's going to involve new policies, new laws, and new ways of behaving. We have to think not of ourselves (that in itself is a challenge for human beings); we have to think of future generations. Oliver Morton, The Economist   The grand challenge A new paradigm for research has taken shape in a ground-breaking effort to mitigate climate change, and remineralization is the focus of this unique ...

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