RTE Featured on Capitol Hill at the Sustainable Energy Expo

Cannon House Office Building - Caucus Room U.S. House of Representatives Independence Avenue and New Jersey Avenue SE Washington, DC Thursday - July 31, 2008 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Through the invitation of Bill Holmberg at ACORE, RTE has the honor of being featured at the ACORE booth of the Sustainable Energy Expo of the Sustainable Energy Coalition.  ACORE will be one of 30 exhibits at the event. On July 31, the Sustainable Energy Coalition - in cooperation with Members of the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency ...

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RTE Featured on Capitol Hill at the Sustainable Energy Expo

RTE Featured on Capitol Hill at the Sustainable Energy Expo Cannon House Office Building - Caucus Room U.S. House of Representatives Independence Avenue and New Jersey Avenue SE Washington, DC Thursday - July 31, 2008 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Through the invitation of Bill Holmberg at ACORE, RTE was featured at the ACORE booth of the Sustainable Energy Expo of the Sustainable Energy Coalition.  ACORE was one of 30 exhibits at the event. On July 31, the Sustainable Energy Coalition - in cooperation with Members of the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate ...

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Restoring Our Earth to Vibrant Health

by Don Weaver While many socio-ecological problems have worsened over these 30 years, it appears that an ever higher percentage of our 6.6 billion population is waking up to the need to transform our ways of living, to truly go “green,” to make peace with the Earth and ourselves, to end the “war on Terra.” This Terra, the beautiful living Earth of which we are an essential part, needs each of us to become conscious contributors to personal/planetary healing. You are needed and invited and welcomed! Here are some views from my perspective as a health-oriented ...

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Ocean Arks Carbon Sequestering Project: A Forest in Costa Rica

Almost a year ago we embarked upon a long hoped for dream. Our Costa Rica based colleagues and partners, long term New Alchemist William Turley and his green-thumbed wife Angie Sanchez are planting trees on their land on the deforested lower slopes of the Volcano Miravalles in Guanacaste. (more…)

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Update on RTE Project in Costa Rica

Jatropha Seeds In partnership with Ocean Arks International's John Todd, RTE's research project in Costa Rica is currently documenting evidence of the enhanced growth of trees by using volcanic rockdust to enrich the soil while reforesting previously devastated, overgrazed grasslands.  See this article to learn more about our efforts to increase carbon sequestration through remineralization in Costa Rica. Read more from Remineralize the Earth...

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Dan Kittredge at NOFA Summer Conference 2008

Executive Director of Remineralize the Earth and Director of our Real Food Campaign, Dan Kittredge will be offering the first workshop in an exciting workshop series related to remineralization at the 34th Annual Northeast Organic Farming Association's Summer Conference to be held in Amherst, MA from August 8-10, 2008.      Workshop and conference details follow: Nutrient Dense Crop Production (Part 1) with Dan Kittredge 8-9:30am, Sunday August 10, 2008 University of Massachusetts -- Amherst, MA Terra Preta/Charcoal (Part ...

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John Todd Wins Buckminster Fuller Challenge

Dr. John Todd John Todd of Ocean Arks International and Research Scientist for RTE's Agroforestry Project in Costa Rica: Food, Fuel and Income to sustain local communities using remineralization, has just been awarded the annual Buckminster Challenge with his Comprehensive Design for a Carbon Neutral World: The Challenge for Appalachia. The Buckminster Fuller Challenge Movie About the Appalachia Project

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Research Research on Saving California Oaks Four Times the Timber Volume for a Forest in Central Europe Forest Growth Increased with Rockdust on Grandfather Mountain near Asheville, North Carolina Men of the Trees in Western Australia The Effects of Basalt Rock Dust Emissions on Trees in Germany   Magazine Articles Project for Soil Remineralization and Reforestation in Guanacaste, Costa Rica from Remineralize the Earth and Ocean Arks International ...

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Forests of Champions

A Conversation with Tree Farmer David Milarch Who Sees New Hope in Old Giants. By David Yarrow Christmas Eve, 1996, I interviewed David Milarch, founder of the Michigan Champion Tree Project. Tall, bearded, with stout limbs and a thick trunk, he looks like a latter day Paul Bunyan. Or a full size chestnut tree in flesh and blood. But his lumberjack physique is dwarfed by his immense ideas - and his ardent exposition of them. However, the Paul Bunyan figure interrogating me is no lumberjack yelling, "Timber!" His vision is to grow, not cut trees - to renew, not remove, ...

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