“Let’s ‘rock it’ at SEER Centre in Scotland

Just several decades ago, most of the farmlands in the foothills of Grampian Mountains in Scotland were largely infertile, acidic and open to severe weather conditions, where hardly anything had been grown for almost 50 years. However, that was exactly where Cameron and Moira Thomson settled their home and started their “good life” experiment. By spreading a thin layer of rock dust over the land, they are able to mimic the earth’s glacial processes that naturally fertilize the land. Nowadays the rich soils they have regenerated are capable of producing giant vegeta...

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Check out the interviews with Joanna Campe and Don Weaver on 21st Century Radio

Joanna Campe, founder and executive director of Remineralize the Earth (RTE), and Don Weaver appeared on 21st Century Radio with Dr. Zohara Hieronimus in June. They shared exciting news about remineralization efforts around the world and their impact on agriculture, health, and climate. Joanna Campe has been networking and promoting remineralization since the mid-1980’s, and RTE was formed in 1995 as a nonprofit organization to assist in facilitating the global movement  and to focus on the potential of remineralization to address ecological, economic and ...

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Soil 4 Climate – Soils are Key to Reducing Carbon Emissions

Photo credit: Kroon Family     Many people have heard about the 350 movement to reduce carbon emission down to 350 ppm, but few have heard of the 4/1,000 or 4 per 1,000 initiative.[1] Started in France, the initiative aims to introduce agriculture as part of the solution for climate change by carefully managing land to restore carbon stock at an annual growth rate of 0.4%.[2] If every country were to do so, it would cut down annual atmospheric carbon dioxide by 75%. For more about the initiative, please visit 4 pour 1000. The role of soil as carbon ...

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Of Mars and Minerals

In “The Martian,” Mark Watney uses the Martian soil to grow potatoes in the controlled environment of the “Hab.” In reality, the soil on Mars actually does have the nutrients plants would need to survive on Mars! There may not be the right amount of nutrients depending on where astronauts land on the Red Planet, so fertilizers may need to be added to the soil. Gary Jordan, NASA Johnson Space Center (more…)

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TJ Environmental Impact Club Creates New Remineralization Committee

  Earlier this year, Ray Liu, our volunteer webmaster who has been working with us for two and a half years, founded a Remineralization Committee at his high school's Environmental Impact Club in an effort to further promote research and publicity of remineralization. (more…)

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A standard post

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet I love lemon drops chocolate. Ice cream candy lemon drops chocolate gummies pastry.

Macaroon cookie icing tart I love. Apple pie topping jelly-o caramels liquorice. Topping cake unerdwear.com pastry pie jujubes jelly beans ice cream. Biscuit powder chupa chups I love I love caramels. Apple pie wafer sweet roll pie jelly-o I love bear claw danish ice cream. Marzipan cupcake sweet croissant. Biscuit icing sweet chocolate cake carrot cake gummi bears I love I love. Wafer cotton candy I love lollipop oat cake gummies candy canes brownie. Sweet pie chocolate jujubes. Chocolate danish oat cake halvah. Lollipop sesame snaps dessert. Candy canes I love carrot cake. Lollipop I love chocolate cake unerdwear.com bonbon.

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Audio post format

Biscuit icing sweet chocolate cake carrot cake gummi bears I love I love. Wafer cotton candy I love lollipop oat cake gummies candy canes brownie. Sweet pie chocolate jujubes. Candy canes I love carrot cake. Lollipop I love chocolate cake bonbon I love pudding.

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A digital age

Fruitcake chocolate bar pastry brownie. Soufflé chocolate cake candy canes powder. Gummi bears jelly beans macaroon. Pastry pie caramels. Brownie candy canes brownie donut danish. Macaroon sweet marshmallow icing lorem sweet roll marshmallow. Liquorice gingerbread dragée halvah fruitcake wafer. Cheesecake cookie lollipop pudding toffee caramels danish. Sesame snaps apple pie jelly cookie chocolate bonbon chupa chups brownie.Lollipop apple pie pudding chocolate bar jelly powder jujubes sweet sweet roll. Powder cookie fruitcake sweet roll. Cookie marzipan marshmallow ...

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Post – Project post

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur id neque urna. Morbi fringilla risus non risus ornare elementum. In vitae sollicitudin arcu. Cras dui massa, ullamcorper vel porta eget, porttitor sit amet lorem. Nunc viverra eros ac nisi hendrerit dignissim.

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Post – Featured compact

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur id neque urna. Morbi fringilla risus non risus ornare elementum. In vitae sollicitudin arcu. Cras dui massa, ullamcorper vel porta eget, porttitor sit amet lorem. Nunc viverra eros ac nisi hendrerit dignissim. Nunc consequat nunc quis massa pulvinar eget mollis leo lobortis. Nullam vitae quam neque. Integer bibendum tortor eu neque malesuada pharetra hendrerit dolor pellentesque. Vestibulum dapibus nibh sed ligula feugiat sit amet pharetra massa dignissim. Sed in nunc ut dui fringilla vestibulum non nec ...

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