

Remineralization stabilizes the climate through the sequestration of carbon in agricultural and forest soils. While unhealthy forests give off CO2, healthy forests are a carbon sink- increased vitality and growth leads to an increase in carbon sequestration.

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Publication YearType of PublicationPublication LanguageResearch Area(s)

Possibilities of using silicate rock powder: An overview

Claudete G. Ramos; Erica Blanco; James Hower; Marcos L.S. Oliveira; Suzi Theodoro

2022Journal ArticleEnglishAgriculture; Agrogeology; Carbon Sequestration; Climate Change

Land-based measures to mitigate climate change: Potential and feasibility by country

Andre Deppermann; Brent Sohngen; Chad Frischmann; Charlotte Rivard; Charlotte Streck; David Landholm; Deborah Lawrence; Dominic Woolf; Elke Stehfest; Florian Humpenoder; Gert-Jan Nabuurs; Giacomo Grassi; Guy Lomax; Jason Funk; Jens Engelmann; Jeremy Emmet-Booth; Johannes Lehmann; Jonah Busch; Jonathan Doelman; Jonathan Sanderman; Leah Mesnildrey; Melissa Chapman; Oliver Fricko; Petr Havlik; Robert Beach; Steef Hanssen; Stephanie Roe; Vassilis Daioglou

2021Journal ArticleEnglishCarbon Sequestration; Climate Change

Enhanced weathering in acid and alkaline agricultural soils: greenhouse gas emissions and soil bacterial communities implications

Coline Le Noir de Carlan; Silvia Poblador Ibanez

2022Journal ArticleEnglishAgriculture; Carbon Sequestration; Climate Change

Alkaline Mineral Soil Amendment: A Climate Change ‘Stabilization Wedge’?

Fatima Haque; Rafael M. Santos; Yi Wai Chiang

2019ReviewEnglishAgriculture; Carbon Sequestration; Climate Change

The influence of particle size on the potential of enhanced basalt weathering for carbon dioxide removal – Insights from a regional assessment

Christoph von Hagke; Thomas Rinder

2021Journal ArticleEnglishAgriculture; Carbon Sequestration; Climate Change

Climate Change Mitigation through Enhanced Weathering in Bioenergy Crops

DeLucia, Evan; Ilsa Kantola; K. J.; Michael Masters

2016Journal ArticleEnglishAgriculture; Carbon Sequestration; Climate Change

Combating Climate Change Through Enhanced Weathering of Agricultural Soils

Lyla Taylor

2019Journal ArticleEnglishAgriculture; Carbon Sequestration; Climate Change

Potential of global croplands and bioenergy crops for climate change mitigation through deployment for enhanced weathering

David Beerling; Evan DeLucia; Ilsa Kantola; Michael Masters; Stephen Long

2017Journal ArticleEnglishCarbon Sequestration; Climate Change

Amazonia as a carbon source linked to deforestation and climate change

Alber Sanches; Caio Correia; Carlos Nobre; Celso Von Randow; Egidio Arai; Graciela Tejada; Henrique Cassol; John Miller; Liana Anderson; Luana Basso; Lucas Domingues; Luciana Gatti; Luciano Marani; Luiz Aragao; Manuel Gloor; Raiana Neves; Sergio Correa; Stephane Crispim; Wouter Peters

2021Journal ArticleEnglishCarbon Sequestration; Climate Change

The Global Carbon Cycle: A Test of Our Knowledge of Earth as a System

B. Moore III; D. Canfield; E. Boyle; F. T. Mackenzie; J. Candell; J. Elser; K. Hibbard; N. Gruber; P. Falkowski; P. Hogberg; R. Scholes; S. Linder; S. Seitzinger; T. Pedersen; V. Smetacek; W. Steffen; Y. Rosenthal

2000Journal ArticleEnglishClimate Change

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