178 results for group: journal-article

From waste to soil: Can we create functioning manufactured soils by recycling rock processing waste?

ABSTRACT: Rock mining industries do not only exploit and transform extensive areas of land, but also produce vast amounts of rock waste material that lacks an adequate utilization. Some of these rock wastes have the potential to provide nutrients to plants and can therefore have positive impacts on soil properties. Consequently, we tested their potential for valorization as components of manufactured soils for use in urban areas. We conducted a 10-week incubation experiment of soil mesocosms with sunflowers (Helianthus annuus L.) to evaluate the performance of manufactured soils with respect to plant growth and soil properties. We used three common ...

Enhanced silicate weathering accelerates forest carbon sequestration by stimulating the soil mineral carbon pump

ABSTRACT: Enhanced silicate rock weathering (ERW) is an emerging strategy for carbon dioxide removal (CDR) from the atmosphere to mitigate anthropogenic climate change. ERW aims at promoting soil inorganic carbon sequestration by accelerating geochemical weathering processes. Theoretically, ERW may also impact soil organic carbon (SOC), the largest carbon pool in terrestrial ecosystems, but experimental evidence for this is largely lacking. Here, we conducted a 2-year field experiment in tropical rubber plantations in the southeast of China to evaluate the effects of wollastonite powder additions (0, 0.25, and 0.5 kg m−2) on both soil organic ...

Geospatial assessment of the cost and energy demand of feedstock grinding for enhanced rock weathering in the coterminous United States

Introduction: In an effort to mitigate anthropogenic climate impacts the U.S. has established ambitious Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) targets, aiming to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50% before 2030 and achieving net-zero emissions by 2050. Enhanced rock weathering (ERW)—the artificial enhancement of chemical weathering of rocks to accelerate atmospheric CO2 capture—is now widely seen as a potentially promising carbon dioxide removal (CDR) strategy that could help to achieve U.S. climate goals. Grinding rocks to smaller particle size, which can help to facilitate more rapid and efficient CO2 removal, is the most energy-demanding ...

Reduced accrual of mineral‐associated organic matter after two years of enhanced rock weathering in cropland soils, though no net losses of soil organic carbon

ABSTRACT: Enhanced rock weathering (ERW), the application of crushed silicate rock to soil, can remove atmospheric carbon dioxide by converting it to (bi) carbonate ions or solid carbonate minerals. However, few studies have empirically evaluated ERW in field settings. A critical question remains as to whether additions of crushed rock might positively or negatively affect soil organic matter (SOM)—Earth’s largest terrestrial organic carbon (C) pool and a massive reservoir of organic nitrogen (N). Here, in three irrigated cropland field trials in California, USA, we investigated the effect of crushed meta-basalt rock additions on different ...

Mineral-enriched biochar delivers enhanced nutrient recovery and carbon dioxide removal

ABSTRACT: Biochar production via biomass pyrolysis with subsequent burial in soils provides a carbon dioxide removal technology that is ready for implementation, yet uptake requires acceleration; notably, through generation of cost reductions and co-benefits. Here we find that biomass enrichment (doping) with refined minerals, mineral by-products, or ground rocks reduces carbon loss during pyrolysis, lowering carbon dioxide removal costs by 17% to US$ 80–150 t−1 CO2, with 30% savings feasible at higher biomass costs. As a co-benefit, all three additives increase plant-available nutrient levels. Doping with potassium-bearing minerals can ...

Unraveling iron oxides as abiotic catalysts of organic phosphorus recycling in soil and sediment matrices

ABSTRACT: In biogeochemical phosphorus cycling, iron oxide minerals are acknowledged as strong adsorbents of inorganic and organic phosphorus. Dephosphorylation of organic phosphorus is attributed only to biological processes, but iron oxides could also catalyze this reaction. Evidence of this abiotic catalysis has relied on monitoring products in solution, thereby ignoring iron oxides as both catalysts and adsorbents. Here we apply high-resolution mass spectrometry and X-ray absorption spectroscopy to characterize dissolved and particulate phosphorus species, respectively. In soil and sediment samples reacted with ribonucleotides, we uncover the ...

Investigation of an Indian Site with Mafic Rock for Carbon Sequestration

ABSTRACT: The increasing extent of greenhouse gas emissions has necessitated the development of techniques for atmospheric carbon dioxide removal and storage. Various techniques are being explored for carbon storage including geological sequestration. The geological sequestration has various avenues such as depleted oil and gas reservoirs, coal-bed methane reservoirs, and mafic and ultramafic rocks. Different trapping mechanisms are in play in these subsurface storage systems. In these sequestration sites, the mafic and ultramafic rocks are best suited for long-term and effective sequestration as they comprise minerals, conducive for chemical ...

Parana basin basalt powder: A multinutrient soil amendment for enhancing soil chemistry and microbiology

ABSTRACT: This study evaluated the effects of Paran´a Basin basalt powder, a mining byproduct from southern Brazil, on the macro- and micronutrient content of two soil types, Oxisol (OX) and Typic Quartzipsamment (TQ), as well as the metabolic activity of soil microorganisms. Basalt powder doses were determined based on CaO levels required to correct Ca2+ levels in each soil, ranging from 0 to 4 times the recommended amount. Soil samples were collected for analysis after 60 and 170 days of incubation to assess soil attributes. Additionally, a laboratory study examined soil basal respiration (SBR) after 168 days of greenhouse incubation. The ...

Sustainability performance of enhanced weathering across countries

ABSTRACT Enhanced weathering (EW) is a promising negative emission technology involving the application of crushed silicate rocks to croplands for carbon capture. There is limited research about the broad sustainability impacts in rolling out this intervention on a large scale. This research assesses the triple bottom line sustainability of EW in eight top-emitting countries using an extended input-output model. Results indicate that overall sustainability performance of EW is influenced by each country’s environmental and social metrics than the economic. Compared to developed countries (UK, France, Germany, USA), emerging economies (Brazil, ...

Iron Chelation in Soil: Scalable Biotechnology for Accelerating Carbon Dioxide Removal by Enhanced Rock Weathering

ABSTRACT Enhanced rock weathering (EW) is an emerging atmospheric carbon dioxide removal (CDR) strategy being scaled up by the commercial sector. Here, we combine multiomics analyses of belowground microbiomes, laboratory-based dissolution studies, and incubation investigations of soils from field EW trials to build the case for manipulating iron chelators in soil to increase EW efficiency and lower costs. Microbial siderophores are high-affinity, highly selective iron (Fe) chelators that enhance the uptake of Fe from soil minerals into cells. Applying RNA-seq metatranscriptomics and shotgun metagenomics to soils and basalt grains from EW field ...