191 results for group: journal-article
Understanding the mobility of potential nutrients in rock mining by- products: An opportunity for more sustainable agriculture and mining
Adilson Celimar Dalmora, Claudete Gindri Ramos, Leandro Gomez Plata, Marcondes Lima da Costa, Rubens Muller Kautzmann, Luis Felipe Silva Oliveira
The increase in demand for highly soluble fertilizers brings a global sustainability concern. Alternative sources for traditional fertilization are therefore needed. Rock powder use has been proposed as an alternative approach to soil remineralization. However, research on the agricultural potential of minerals and rocks as alternative sources of nutrients is limited to changes in soil chemical attributes or effects on crop yield. In this work, we report an experimental study addressing the ...
Waste mineral powder supplies plant available potassium: Evaluation of chemical and biological interventions
B.B. Basak, Binoy Sarkar, Peter Sanderson, Ravi Naidu
A study was conducted to evaluate a waste rock powder collected from the Seaham quarry in New South Wales, Australia, as a source of potassium (K) in soil. The K supplying capacity of different size fractions of the mineral powder was evaluated by employing five chemical extractants as well as growing maize and holy basil in sand
culture experiments. The K release by chemical extractants increased with decreasing particle size of the mineral powder. The amount of K released by different extractants followed the order: water < 0.01 M calcium chloride < 0.01 M citric acid < 1 N ...
Solubilization of Potassium Containing Mineral by Microorganisms From Sugarcane Rhizosphere
Tri Candra Setiawati and Laily Mutmainnah
Potassium solubilizing microorganisms (KSM) isolated from sugarcane rhizosphere and their capability on solubilization from some insoluble potassium were examined. Isolation of potassium solubilizer was carried out from three sugarcane plantations
area, on Alexandrov’s agar medium. From the 41 isolated microorganisms were selected 15 isolates potassium solubilizing microorganisms which exhibiting highest potassium solubilization (solubility index) on solid medium. All the KSM were found to be capable of solubilizing K from insoluble K-bearing minerals source, and the solubilization zone ...
Does a rhizospheric microorganism enhance K+ availability in agricultural soils?
Vijay Singh Meena, B.R. Maurya, Jay Prakash Verma
The potassium solubilizing microorganisms (KSMs) are a rhizospheric microorganism which solubilizesthe insoluble potassium (K) to soluble forms of K for plant growth and yield. K-solubilization is carried out by a large number of saprophytic bacteria (Bacillus mucilaginosus, Bacillus edaphicus, Bacillus circu-lans, Acidothiobacillus ferrooxidans, Paenibacillus spp.) and fungal strains (Aspergillus spp. and Aspergillus terreus). Major amounts of K containing minerals (muscovite, orthoclase, biotite, feldspar, illite, mica) are present in the soil as a fixed form which is not directly ...
Silicate weathering in the Ganges alluvial plain
Patrick J. Frings, Wim Clymans, Guillaume Fontorbe, William Gray, Govind J. Chakrapani, Daniel J. Conley, Christina De La Rocha
The Ganges is one of the world’s largest rivers and lies at the heart of a body of literature that investigates the interaction between mountain orogeny, weathering and global climate change. Three regions can be recognised in the Ganges basin, with the Himalayan orogeny to the north and the plateaus of peninsular India to the south together delimiting the Ganges alluvial plain. Despite constituting approximately 80%
of the basin, weathering processes in the peninsula and alluvial plain have received little ...
oxalate secretion by ectomycorrhizal Paxillus involutus is mineral-speciic and controls calcium weathering from minerals
A. schmalenberger, A. L. Duran, A. W. Bray, J. Bridge, s. Bonneville, L. G. Benning, M. e. Romero-Gonzalez, J. R. Leake, s. A. Banwart
oxalate secretion by ectomycorrhizal Paxillus involutus is mineral-speciic and controls calcium weathering from minerals
How temperature-dependent silicate weathering acts as Earth’s geological thermostat
S. L. Brantley, Andrew Shaughnessy, Marina I. Lebedeva, Victor N. Balashov
Earth’s climate may be stabilized over millennia by solubilization of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) as minerals weather, but the temperature sensitivity of this thermostat is poorly understood. We discovered that the temperature dependence of weathering expressed as an activation energy increases from laboratory to watershed as transport, clay precipitation, disaggregation, and fracturing increasingly couple to dissolution. A simple upscaling to the global system indicates that the temperature dependence decreases to ~22 kilojoules per mole because (i) the ...
Geochemical carbon dioxide removal potential of Spain
Liam A. Bullock, Juan Alcalde, Fernando Tornos, Jose-Luis Fernandez-Turiel
Many countries have made pledges to reduce CO2 emissions over the upcoming decades to meet the Paris Agreement targets of limiting warming to no >1.5 °C, aiming for net zero by mid-century. To achieve national reduction targets, there is a further need for CO2 removal (CDR) approaches on a scale of millions of tonnes, necessitating a better understanding of feasible methods. One approach that is gaining attention is geochemical CDR, encompassing (1) in-situ injection of CO2-rich gases into Ca and Mg-rich rocks for geological storage by mineral carbonation, (2) ...