
Publication Title

Contributing Authors

Publication YearType of PublicationPublication LanguageResearch Area(s)

Impact of Climate on the Global Capacity for Enhanced Rock Weathering on Croplands

Juan M. Lora; Noah Planavsky; Seung Baek; Shuang Zhang; Yoshiki Kenzaki

2023Journal ArticleEnglishCarbon Sequestration

Improved net carbon budgets in the US Midwest through direct measured impacts of enhanced weathering

Adam von Haden; Adam Wolf; Alison Marklein; Caitlin E. Moore; Carl J. Bernacchi; David Beerling; Dimitar E. Epihov; Elena Blac-Betes; Elliot Chang; Evan DeLucia; Ilsa Kantola; Michael Masters

2023Journal ArticleEnglishCarbon Sequestration

Enhanced clay formation key in sustaining the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum

Alexander J. Krause; Appy Slujis; Philip A. E. Pogge; Robin van der Ploeg; Timothy M. Lenton

2023Journal ArticleEnglishAgrogeology

Constraining the Potential of Land-Based Negative Emissions Technologies (NETs) From a Data-Driven Perspective

Fatima Haque; Francisco Araujo; Rafael M. Santos; Reza Khalidy; Yi Wai Chiang

2023Journal ArticleEnglishCarbon Sequestration

The Mining Industry’s Role in Enhanced Weathering and Mineralization for CO2 Removal

Kwon Rausis

2024Journal ArticleEnglishCarbon Sequestration

Pathways, roundabouts, roadblocks, and shortcuts to safe and sustainable deployment of enhanced rock weathering in agriculture

Francisco Araujo; Hiral Jariwala; Reza Khalidy

2023Journal ArticleEnglishCarbon Sequestration

Improving food security and farmland carbon sequestration in China through enhanced rock weathering: Field evidence and potential assessment in different humid regions

Fuxing Guo; Fuyong Wu; Haowei Sun; Jing Yang; Linsen Zhang; Yan Mu; Yanping Wang

2023Journal ArticleEnglishAgriculture; Agrogeology; Carbon Sequestration

Quantifying the effect of grain size on weathering of basaltic powders: Implications for negative emission technologies via soil carbon sequestration

Elizabeth Vanderkloot; Peter Ryan


Enhanced weathering in the U.S. Corn Belt delivers carbon removal with agronomic benefits

Christopher Pearce; Christopher T. Reinhard; David Beerling; Dimitar Z. Epihov; Evan H. DeLucia; Ilsa Kantola; Jacob S. Jordan; James Weber; Maria Val Martin; Michael Masters; Noah J. Planavsky; Rachael H. James; Robert Freckleton; Sarah J. Thorne; Steven A. Banwart; Sue E. Hartley; Tom Reershemius

2023Journal ArticleEnglishCarbon Sequestration

Basalt addition improves the performance of young grassland monocultures under more persistent weather featuring longer dry and wet spells

Hans J De Boeck; Ivan Nijs; Silvia Pobldor; Simon Reynaert; Tommy D'Hose

2023Journal ArticleEnglishAgriculture; Agrogeology