Soil physicochemical data at Two New England Farms with and without Basalt Rock Dust Application

Justin Richardson


Soil physical and chemical data were collected from Cedar Circle Farm and Education Center in Thetford Vermont and Many Hands Farm in Barre, Massachusetts collected in Spring 2021. At each farm, two field were sampled. One with basalt rock dust application of 1.1 tonnes per hectare and an adjacent field without. Included in this data set are CSV files of: 1) ‘pH’ = Soil pH data for each soil horizon averaged for the three soil pit replicates 2) ‘Texture’ = Soil Texture for select horizons averaged for the three soil pit replicates 3) ‘SOC’ = Soil organic carbon concentrations and pool data for each soil horizon average among the three soil pit replicates 4) ‘Aggregates’ = Soil aggregate mass fraction data for each soil horizon average among the three soil pit replicates 4) ‘Inorganic concentrations’ = Plant-available soil concentrations for each soil horizon average among the three soil pit replicates 4) ‘Inorganic pools’ = Plant-available soil pools for each soil horizon average among the three soil pit replicates Elements include are aluminum (Al), iron (Fe), calcium (Ca), potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), manganese (Mn), phosphorus (P), sulfur (S), boron (B), barium (Ba), copper (Cu), sodium (Na), strontium (Sr), and zinc (Zn).


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