203 results for group: agriculture-1

Agronomic potential of four rock powders, pure or mixed, as soil remineralizers

Gabriel Octávio de Mello Cunha, Jaime antonio de Almeida Abstract Detailed knowledge of chemical, petrographic and mineralogical compositions as well as the effects of applying rock powder on soil chemical properties and plant production are required for classifying these materials as soil remineralizers (SR), as according to Brazilian legislation in force. This study aimed to evaluate the potential of rock powders siltstone, tephrite and olivine melilitite, pure or mixed, on improving the fertility of a Cambisol and a Nitisol as well as the yield of soybean and barley crops grown in succession inside a greenhouse. For that purpose, these ...

Application of andesite rock as a clean source of fertilizer for eucalyptus crop: Evidence of sustainability

Adilson Celimar Dalmora, Claudete Gindri Ramos, Marcos Leandro Silva Oliveir, Luis Felipe Silva Oliveir, Ivo André Homrich Schneider, Rubens MullerKautzmann Abstract Global demineralization of agricultural soils due to unsustainable use of highly soluble fertilizers and intensive exploitation is an issue of increasing concern. Methods of remineralization include the application of volcanic rock by-product, such as vesicular andesite on mineral-deficient fields. The present work analyzed the petrography, mineralogy, and chemistry of volcanic rock by-product (vesicular andesite rock), as well as on-field experiment with eucalyptus. The petrogra...

Evaluation of Soil Re-mineralizer from By-Product of Volcanic Rock Mining: Experimental Proof Using Black Oats and Maize Crops

Claudete Gindri Ramos, Diego dos Santos de Medeiros, Leandro Gomez, Luis Felipe Silva Oliveira, Ivo André Homrich Schneider, Rubens Muller Kautzmann Abstract This study was focused on physical, petrographical, mineralogical, and chemical characterization of a volcanic-rock mining by-product (dacite rock), as well as on greenhouse experiment with black oats and maize crops to evaluate the potential use of the by-product as soil re-mineralizer. The by-product sample was obtained from a quarry in the Nova Prata mining district in southern Brazil. The particle size distribution of the by-product and soil was determined by sieving. Dacite rock ...

The potential of rock dust nanoparticles to improve seed germination and seedling vigor of native species: A review

Annabel Arnott, Lakshman Galagedara, Raymond Thomas, Mumtaz Cheema, Jean-Marie Sobzeb Abstract Land degradation as a result of unregulated mineral exploration and mining, negatively impacts local communities and vulnerable ecosystems. Phytoremediation is used as a progressive rehabilitation strategy to stabilize tailings sites, reduce soil erosion and immobilize heavy metal contaminants. However, in order to develop successful and sustainable phytoremediation methods, native plants must overcome several abiotic stressors. This review examines publicly available literature to determine the potential of repurposed tailings materials, in the form ...

Soil Remineralization for Sustainable Crop Production

Allen V. Barker, Tara A. O’Brien & Joanna Campe Abstract Soil remineralization is the utilization of mineral fines to restore soil fertility through replenishment of plant nutrients removed by agricultural activities or by forces of nature. Basalt dust from a rock quarry or glacial moraine dust from a gravel quarry were evaluated for their effects on nutrient availability in soils and on yields and composition of lettuce (Lactuca sativa longifolia Lam.), apple (Malus sylvestris L.), or sweet corn (Zea mays rugosa Bonaf.). Extractable soil K and Ca were increased for all plots, and some increases in extractable P, Fe, Mn, and Mg were detected ...

The contribution of agricultural lime to carbon dioxide emissions in the United States: dissolution, transport, and net emissions

Tristram O.West, Allen C.McBride Abstract Agricultural lime (aglime) is commonly applied to soils in the eastern U.S. to increase soil pH. Aglime includes crushed limestone (CaCO3) and crushed dolomite (MgCa(CO3)2). Following the supposition by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that all C in aglime is eventually released as CO2 to the atmosphere, the U.S. EPA estimated that 9 Tg (Teragram = 1012 g = 106 metric tonne) CO2 was emitted from an approximate 20 Tg of applied aglime in 2001. A review of historic data on aglime production and use indicates that 30 Tg may better represent the annual U.S. consumption of aglime. More ...

Rapid Removal of Atmospheric CO2 by Urban Soils

Carla-Leanne Washbourne, Elisa Lopez-Capel, Phil Renforth, Philippa L. Ascough, and David A. C. Manning Abstract The measured calcium carbonate content of soils to a depth of 100 mm at a large urban development site has increased over 18 months at a rate that corresponds to the sequestration of 85 t of CO2/ha (8.5 kg of CO2 m–2) annually. This is a consequence of rapid weathering of calcium silicate and hydroxide minerals derived from the demolition of concrete structures, which releases Ca that combines with CO2 ultimately derived from the atmosphere, precipitating as calcite. Stable isotope data confirm an atmospheric origin for carbonate ...

Soil remineralization and recovery of degraded areas: An experience in the tropical region

Suzi Huff Theodoro, Fernandade Paula Medeiros, Marco Ianniruberto, Tamiel Khan Baiocchi Jacobson Abstract Many activities related to the expansion of food supply, energy and infrastructure result in great environmental impacts, whose most visible features are observed in the degradation of large areas. The present study demonstrates how the combined use of stonemeal technology and agroforestry systems can help to reverse such impacts, allying the recovery of degraded areas with agricultural and forest production. The study area is located in a hydroelectric reservoir affected by the siltation process and soil erosion in the hydrographic basin of ...

Co-utilization of rock dust, mineral fines and compost

Robin A.K. Szmidt & John Ferguson Abstract This report examines the relevance and potential of techniques using rockdust to remineralize soils in Scotland. Rockdust (RD) is a generic term applied to fine materials produced as by-products of quarrying and mineral processing. The concept is concerned with making available a multitude of minerals from freshly crushed rocks that are considered by advocates not to be present in larger quantities in weathered soils. Claimed benefits include : •enhanced long term sustainable soil fertility and diverse soil biology; •multi-season effects; •enhanced plant establishment, growth and vigour;...

Review of greenhouse gas emissions from crop production systems and fertilizer management effects Author

C.S.Snyder, T.W.Bruulsema, T.L.Jensen, P.E.Fixen Abstract Fertilizer nitrogen (N) use is expanding globally to satisfy food, fiber, and fuel demands of a growing world population. Fertilizer consumers are being asked to improve N use efficiency through better management in their fields, to protect water resources and to minimize greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, while sustaining soil resources and providing a healthy economy. A review of the available science on the effects of N source, rate, timing, and placement, in combination with other cropping and tillage practices, on GHG emissions was conducted. Implementation of intensive crop management ...