117 results for group: carbon-sequestration-1

Enhanced Weathering Policy Primer: Assessing the Opportunity

INTRODUCTION There is clear scientific consensus that, in addition to rapid and deep reduction of global greenhouse gas emissions, carbon dioxide removal (CDR) will be required at an immense, multi-gigatonne (Gt) annual scale by mid-century to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement and limit warming to 1.5 or even 2°C.1 CDR encompasses a range of approaches, and to meet the massive challenge to achieve gigatonne scale will require a portfolio of solutions.2 Many of these pathways are new technologies that could potentially take years to develop, demonstrate, and deploy. Methods of CDR that offer meaningful co-benefits, and that can be ...

Additive effects of basalt enhanced weathering and biochar co-application on carbon sequestration, soil nutrient status and plant performance in a mesocosm experiment

ABSTRACT Co-deployment of a portfolio of carbon removal technologies is anticipated in order to remove several gigatons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and meet climate targets. However, co-application effects between carbon removal technologies have rarely been examined, despite multiple recent perspectives suggesting potential synergies between basalt enhanced weathering and biochar application. To study the co-application effects of basalt for enhanced weathering and biochar on carbon sequestration, along with related co-benefits and risks, we conducted a fully replicated factorial mesocosm experiment with wheat. Basalt applied alone (74 t ...

Measurements in Geochemical Carbon Dioxide Removal

SUMMARY Geochemical carbon dioxide removal (CDR) technologies capture and store carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere using alkaline materials that are rich in calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg). Alkaline materials include natural rocks such as basalt, industrial by-products such as steel slag, or artiicially generated and industrially produced materials such as lime. Geochemical CDR technologies speed up the reactions of such materials with air or other CO2-bearing gases, and convert the CO2 into solid carbonate minerals or dissolved inorganic carbon in the ocean. Gigatonne (Gt) scale removal is potentially possible with geochemical CDR owing to ...

Potential for atmospheric carbon dioxide removal in mafic quarries via enhanced rock weathering of basalt fines

ABSTRACT Enhanced rock weathering (ERW) is a recognized carbon dioxide removal (CDR) strategy that uses crushed silicate rock (e.g., basalt) to capture atmospheric CO2, offering co-benefits such as improved soil health and increased crop production [1]. One of the main disadvantages of ERW includes the production of energy needed to crush and transport rocks to their application site [2]. Basalt quarries might be capable of removing CO2 on-site by optimizing the management of their quarry fines. This approach would reduce transport-related emissions while repurposing valuable and previously underutilized material. To test this possibility, ...

The impact of geochemical and life-cycle variables on carbon dioxide removal by enhanced rock weathering: Development and application of the Stella ERW model

ABSTRACT The carbon dioxide removal (CDR) potential of enhanced rock weathering (ERW) depends on dynamic interactions between several biogeochemical and life-cycle variables. This paper reports results from a systems model developed to account for key variable interactions and provide a computational tool for optimizing ERW applications. We discuss the model development, comparisons with laboratory and field test data, and results from a series of sensitivity analyses for several hypothetical ERW applications. The simulations were performed using a model developed in Stella Architect, an object-oriented systems dynamics modeling code. The model ...

Organic carbon source controlled microbial olivine dissolution in small-scale flow-through bioreactors, for CO2 removal

ABSTRACT The development of carbon dioxide removal methods, coupled with decreased CO2 emissions, is fundamental to achieving the targets outlined in the Paris Agreement limiting global warming to 1.5 °C. Here we are investigating the importance of the organic carbon feedstock to support silicate mineral weathering in small-scale flow through bioreactors and subsequent CO2 sequestration. Here, we combine two bacteria and two fungi, widely reported for their weathering potential, in simple flow through bioreactors (columns) consisting of forsterite and widely available, cheap organic carbon sources (wheat straw, bio-waste digestate of pig ...

Impact of Climate on the Global Capacity for Enhanced Rock Weathering on Croplands

Seung H. Baek, Yoshiki Kanzaki, Juan M. Lora, Noah Planavsky, Christopher T. Reinhard, Shuang Zhang Abstract Enhanced rock weathering (ERW) on croplands has emerged as an economically and ecologically promising negative emissions technology. However, estimated total carbon sequestration potential from ERW on croplands and its potential sensitivity to climate conditions requires further understanding. Here we combine 1-D reactive transport modeling with climate model experiments to simulate ERW on ∼1,000 agricultural sites globally. Applying a fixed rate of 10 tons of basalt dust per hectare on these sites sequesters 64 gigatons of CO2 over a ...

Improved net carbon budgets in the US Midwest through direct measured impacts of enhanced weathering

Ilsa B. Kantola, Elena Blanc-Betes, Michael D. Masters, Elliot Chang, Alison Marklein, Caitlin E. Moore, Adam von Haden, Carl J. Bernacchi, Adam Wolf, Dimitar Z. Epihov, David J. Beerling, Evan H. DeLucia Abstract Terrestrial enhanced weathering (EW) through the application of Mg- or Ca- rich rock dust to soil is a negative emission technology with the potential to address impacts of climate change. The effectiveness of EW was tested over 4 years by spreading ground basalt (50 t ha−1 year−1) on maize/soybean and miscanthus cropping systems in the Midwest US. The major elements of the carbon budget were quantified through ...

Constraining the Potential of Land-Based Negative Emissions Technologies (NETs) From a Data-Driven Perspective

Rafael M. Santos, Francisco Araujo, Hiral Jariwala, Reza Khalidy, Fatima Haque and Yi Wai Chiang Introduction Enhanced rock weathering (ERW), as a negative emissions technology for climate change mitigation, has received far more public, governmental, and academic attention (according to the authors’ account of engagement with such actors) in the past year than in the many years since its first mention in the literature. The term ERW was conceived by Beerling (2017), but the field of research referred to as “enhanced weathering” (EW) can see its origins, by this name, at least as far back as the works of Power and Southam (2005) and ...

The Mining Industry’s Role in Enhanced Weathering and Mineralization for CO2 Removal

Ian M. Power, Carlos Paulo, Kwon Rausis Abstract Enhanced weathering and mineralization (EWM) aim to remove carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere by accelerating the reaction of this greenhouse gas with alkaline minerals. This suite of geochemical negative emissions technologies has the potential to achieve CO2 removal rates of >1 gigatonne per year, yet will require gigatonnes of suitable rock. As a supplier of rock powder, the mining industry will be at the epicenter of the global implementation of EWM. Certain alkaline mine wastes sequester CO2 under conventional mining conditions, which should be quantified across the industry. Furtherm...