117 results for group: carbon-sequestration-1

oxalate secretion by ectomycorrhizal Paxillus involutus is mineral-speciic and controls calcium weathering from minerals

A. schmalenberger, A. L. Duran, A. W. Bray, J. Bridge, s. Bonneville, L. G. Benning, M. e. Romero-Gonzalez, J. R. Leake, s. A. Banwart Abstract oxalate secretion by ectomycorrhizal Paxillus involutus is mineral-speciic and controls calcium weathering from minerals

Mineral weathering is linked to microbial priming in the critical zone

Qian Fang, Anhuai Lu, Hanlie Hong, Yakov Kuzyakov, Thomas J. Algeo, Lulu Zhao, Yaniv Olshansky, Bryan Moravec, Danielle M. Barrientes, Jon Chorover Abstract Decomposition of soil organic matter (SOM) can be stimulated by fresh organic matter input, a phenomenon known as the ‘priming effect’. Despite its global importance, the relationship of the priming effect to mineral weathering and nutrient release remains unclear. Here we show close linkages between mineral weathering in the critical zone and primed decomposition of SOM. Intensified mineral weathering and rock-derived nutrient release are generally coupled with primed SOM decomposit...

How temperature-dependent silicate weathering acts as Earth’s geological thermostat

S. L. Brantley, Andrew Shaughnessy, Marina I. Lebedeva, Victor N. Balashov Abstract Earth’s climate may be stabilized over millennia by solubilization of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) as minerals weather, but the temperature sensitivity of this thermostat is poorly understood. We discovered that the temperature dependence of weathering expressed as an activation energy increases from laboratory to watershed as transport, clay precipitation, disaggregation, and fracturing increasingly couple to dissolution. A simple upscaling to the global system indicates that the temperature dependence decreases to ~22 kilojoules per mole because (i) the ...

Geochemical carbon dioxide removal potential of Spain

Liam A. Bullock, Juan Alcalde, Fernando Tornos, Jose-Luis Fernandez-Turiel Abstract Many countries have made pledges to reduce CO2 emissions over the upcoming decades to meet the Paris Agreement targets of limiting warming to no >1.5 °C, aiming for net zero by mid-century. To achieve national reduction targets, there is a further need for CO2 removal (CDR) approaches on a scale of millions of tonnes, necessitating a better understanding of feasible methods. One approach that is gaining attention is geochemical CDR, encompassing (1) in-situ injection of CO2-rich gases into Ca and Mg-rich rocks for geological storage by mineral carbonation, (2) ...

Enhanced Rock Weathering in the Global South: Exploring Potential for Enhanced Agricultural Productivity and Carbon dioxide Drawdown

F. Garrett Boudinot, Gabrielle Dreyfus, Caitlan Frederick, Yifan Powers Initiative Review Precision Development (PxD) and the Institute for Governance & Sustainable Development (IGSD) are partnering on a unique initiative to collaboratively identify opportunities for innovation in climate change mitigation, particularly for the greenhouse gases most problematic in agricultural production, methane and nitrous oxide, as well as carbon dioxide. We are specifically focused on innovations with pertinence to the world’s smallholder farmers, who farm most of the world’s approximately 570 million farms.1 The Food and Agriculture Organization of the ...

A new soil-based approach for empirical monitoring of enhanced rock weathering rates

Tom Reershemius, Mike E. Kelland, Isabelle R. Davis, Rocco D’Ascanio, Boriana Kalderon Asael, Dan Asael, Dimitar E. Epihov , David J. Beerling, Christopher T. Reinhard , Noah J. Planavsky Abstract Enhanced rock weathering (ERW) has been touted as a scalable and cost-effective potential carbon dioxide removal (CDR) strategy with significant environmental and agronomic co-benefits. However, a major barrier to implementation of ERW at scale is a robust monitoring, reporting, and verification (MRV) framework that can accurately, precisely, and cost-effectively measure the amount of carbon dioxide being removed by ERW in the field. Here we outline ...

Global agricultural trade and land system sustainability: Implications for ecosystem carbon storage, biodiversity, and human nutrition

Thomas Kastner, Abhishek Chaudhary, Simone Gingrich, Alexandra Marques, U. Martin Persson, Giorgio Bidoglio, Gaetane Le Provost, Florian Schwarzmuller Abstract Global land systems are increasingly shaped by international trade of agricultural products. An increasing number of studies have quantified the implications of agricultural trade for single different aspects of land system sustainability. Bringing together studies across different sustainability dimensions, this review inves-tigates how global agricultural trade flows have affected land systems and resulting impacts on food and nutrient availability, natural habitat conversion, biodive...

Potential accumulation of toxic trace elements in soils during enhanced rock weathering

Xavier Dupla, Benjamin Möller, Philippe C. Baveye, Stéphanie Grand Abstract Terrestrial enhanced rock weathering (ERW) is a carbon dioxide removal technology that aims at accelerating one of the most powerful negative feedbacks on Earth's climate, the chemical weathering of silicates. To achieve this, ERW proposes to spread ground silicate rock on agricultural soils. According to many models, global application rates of 40 tonnes of ground basaltic rock per hectare and per year would be necessary to sequester a significant amount of CO2, representing up to 24% of the current net annual increase in atmospheric CO2. When assessing the viabil...

Assessment of the enhanced weathering potential of different silicate minerals to improve soil quality and sequester CO2

Emily Pas, Mathilde Hagens, Rob Comans Abstract Enhanced weathering is a negative emission technology that involves the spread of crushed silicate minerals and rocks on land and water. When applied to agricultural soils, the resulting increase in soil pH and release of nutrients may co-benefit plant productivity. Silicate minerals and rocks differ in their enhanced weathering potential, i.e., their potential for both carbon dioxide (CO2) sequestration and soil quality improvements. However, studies comparing silicate minerals and rocks for this dual potential are lacking. Therefore, we compared the enhanced weathering potential of olivine ...

Removal of atmospheric CO2 by engineered soils in infrastructure projects

M. Ehsan Jorat, Karl E.Kraavi, David A.C.Manning Abstract The use of crushed basic igneous rock and crushed concrete for enhanced rock weathering and to facilitate pedogenic carbonate precipitation provides a promising method of carbon sequestration. However, many of the controls on precipitation and subsequent effects on soil properties remain poorly understood. In this study, engineered soil plots, with different ratios of concrete or dolerite combined with sand, have been used to investigate relationships between sequestered inorganic carbon and geotechnical properties, over a two-year period. Cone penetration tests with porewater pressure ...