129 results for group: climate-change

Mineral-enriched biochar delivers enhanced nutrient recovery and carbon dioxide removal

ABSTRACT: Biochar production via biomass pyrolysis with subsequent burial in soils provides a carbon dioxide removal technology that is ready for implementation, yet uptake requires acceleration; notably, through generation of cost reductions and co-benefits. Here we find that biomass enrichment (doping) with refined minerals, mineral by-products, or ground rocks reduces carbon loss during pyrolysis, lowering carbon dioxide removal costs by 17% to US$ 80–150 t−1 CO2, with 30% savings feasible at higher biomass costs. As a co-benefit, all three additives increase plant-available nutrient levels. Doping with potassium-bearing minerals can ...

Investigation of an Indian Site with Mafic Rock for Carbon Sequestration

ABSTRACT: The increasing extent of greenhouse gas emissions has necessitated the development of techniques for atmospheric carbon dioxide removal and storage. Various techniques are being explored for carbon storage including geological sequestration. The geological sequestration has various avenues such as depleted oil and gas reservoirs, coal-bed methane reservoirs, and mafic and ultramafic rocks. Different trapping mechanisms are in play in these subsurface storage systems. In these sequestration sites, the mafic and ultramafic rocks are best suited for long-term and effective sequestration as they comprise minerals, conducive for chemical ...

Sustainability performance of enhanced weathering across countries

ABSTRACT Enhanced weathering (EW) is a promising negative emission technology involving the application of crushed silicate rocks to croplands for carbon capture. There is limited research about the broad sustainability impacts in rolling out this intervention on a large scale. This research assesses the triple bottom line sustainability of EW in eight top-emitting countries using an extended input-output model. Results indicate that overall sustainability performance of EW is influenced by each country’s environmental and social metrics than the economic. Compared to developed countries (UK, France, Germany, USA), emerging economies (Brazil, ...

The efficacy of enhancing carbonate weathering for carbon dioxide sequestration

ABSTRACT: Enhanced weathering is a geoengineering strategy aiming to increase continental weathering rates, thereby increasing the delivery of atmospheric carbon (as HCO−3) to the oceans. Most enhanced weathering studies focus on the capacity of silicate rocks (e.g., basalt) and minerals (e.g., olivine, Mg2SiO4, or wollastonite CaSiO3) to remove atmospheric CO2. However, carbonate minerals (e.g., calcite, CaCO3) could provide an additional, rapid way to increase HCO−3 export to the oceans. Recent studies suggest that 0.84 Gt C yr−1could be removed from the atmosphere through the enhanced dissolution of calcite in soils, provided carbonic acid ...

BIOGEOCHEMICAL POTENTIAL OF INDIA – by Dr. Ishfaq Ahmad Mir-Meeting Recording

TITLE PAGE: India's biogeochemical potential to feed the country and stabilize the climate Dr. Ishfaq Ahmad Mir Senior Geologist Geological Survey of India State Unit Karnataka and Goa Bengaluru Presented to the Geological Society of India; June , 2024 RECORDING:   SLIDES: ERW Talk.pptx

Enhanced Weathering Policy Primer: Assessing the Opportunity

INTRODUCTION There is clear scientific consensus that, in addition to rapid and deep reduction of global greenhouse gas emissions, carbon dioxide removal (CDR) will be required at an immense, multi-gigatonne (Gt) annual scale by mid-century to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement and limit warming to 1.5 or even 2°C.1 CDR encompasses a range of approaches, and to meet the massive challenge to achieve gigatonne scale will require a portfolio of solutions.2 Many of these pathways are new technologies that could potentially take years to develop, demonstrate, and deploy. Methods of CDR that offer meaningful co-benefits, and that can be ...

Additive effects of basalt enhanced weathering and biochar co-application on carbon sequestration, soil nutrient status and plant performance in a mesocosm experiment

ABSTRACT Co-deployment of a portfolio of carbon removal technologies is anticipated in order to remove several gigatons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and meet climate targets. However, co-application effects between carbon removal technologies have rarely been examined, despite multiple recent perspectives suggesting potential synergies between basalt enhanced weathering and biochar application. To study the co-application effects of basalt for enhanced weathering and biochar on carbon sequestration, along with related co-benefits and risks, we conducted a fully replicated factorial mesocosm experiment with wheat. Basalt applied alone (74 t ...

Measurements in Geochemical Carbon Dioxide Removal

SUMMARY Geochemical carbon dioxide removal (CDR) technologies capture and store carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere using alkaline materials that are rich in calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg). Alkaline materials include natural rocks such as basalt, industrial by-products such as steel slag, or artiicially generated and industrially produced materials such as lime. Geochemical CDR technologies speed up the reactions of such materials with air or other CO2-bearing gases, and convert the CO2 into solid carbonate minerals or dissolved inorganic carbon in the ocean. Gigatonne (Gt) scale removal is potentially possible with geochemical CDR owing to ...

Potential for atmospheric carbon dioxide removal in mafic quarries via enhanced rock weathering of basalt fines

ABSTRACT Enhanced rock weathering (ERW) is a recognized carbon dioxide removal (CDR) strategy that uses crushed silicate rock (e.g., basalt) to capture atmospheric CO2, offering co-benefits such as improved soil health and increased crop production [1]. One of the main disadvantages of ERW includes the production of energy needed to crush and transport rocks to their application site [2]. Basalt quarries might be capable of removing CO2 on-site by optimizing the management of their quarry fines. This approach would reduce transport-related emissions while repurposing valuable and previously underutilized material. To test this possibility, ...

The potential for carbon dioxide removal by enhanced rock weathering in the tropics: An evaluation of Costa Rica

Abstract Tropical environments show great potential to sequester CO2 by enhanced rock weathering (ERW) of powdered mafic rocks applied to agricultural fields. This study seeks to assess carbon dioxide reduction (CDR) potential in the humid tropics (1) by experimental weathering of mafic rock powders in conditions simulating humid tropical soils, and (2) from weathering rates determined from a Holocene tropical soil chronosequence where parent material is andesitic sediments. Experimentally determined weathering rates by leaching of basaltic andesites from Costa Rica (Arenal and Barva) for 50 t ha−1 applications indicate potential sequestration ...