37 results for tag: agriculture

5th Brazilian Congress of Remineralizers Conference

Event: V Congresso Brasileiro de Rochagem Date: July 8 – 11, 2025 Location: Piracicaba, Brazil Host organization: Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture, University of Sao Paulo Seminar description: After 15 years of the realization of the 1st Brazilian Congress of Remineralizers, the theme of remineralization gained prominence in Brazil and in the world. Soil remineralizers (REM), are derived from silicate rocks and when properly used, improve soil conditions since they behave as multifunctional inputs (nutrient source, acid neutralization, colloid neoformation). The regulation of this input (Law 12,890 of 2013 and Normative ...

OpenAir CDR Webinar Series explores the science, strategies, and policies of carbon dioxide removal

Event: Carbon Dioxide Removal Webinar Series Date: Webinars in this series will run monthly through March of 2025. Stay tuned for more details on the last two webinars. Location: Remote Host organization: OpenAir Carbon Dioxide Removal Seminar description: As the world navigates the necessary transition away from polluting fuels toward clean energy, most climate scientists acknowledge that we must also remove climate pollution that has already been dumped into the atmosphere. The call for Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) grows stronger as new analyses find that the global community is not on track to meet the Paris Agreement targets for ...

Free Online Seminar Series: Enhanced Rock Weathering in agriculture as a natural climate solution

Event: Enhanced Rock Weathering in agriculture as a natural climate solution Date: Weekly on Mondays from 12-1 pm ET from January 27th to April 14th, 2024 Location: Remote Host organization: Yale University Seminar description: Enhanced rock weathering is a process where finely ground silicate and carbonate rocks are spread on agricultural soils. The breakdown of these rocks removes carbon from the air and stores it in soils and soil water, while providing a variety of other crop and soil benefits. While this carbon dioxide removal practice has gained a lot of interest from researchers, industry, and government agencies, the science is ...

Milkywire’s Climate Transformation Fund Goes Above and Beyond for Enhanced Weathering

The perennial question surrounding carbon dioxide removal (CDR) is one of funding. Until recently, this had been especially true of enhanced rock weathering (ERW), where unanswered questions surrounding efficacy and scalability stymied all but the most concerted efforts to fund ERW initiatives. Now, despite the field’s relative immaturity, there has been a windfall in investment opportunities for ERW projects and companies. In May 2024, Milkywire selected 13 projects to support, including Flux and Mati Carbon, through their Climate Transformation Fund. The Climate Transformation Fund is one of five funds in Milkywire’s portfolio. It was ...

AG-USA and the Agricultural Benefits of Sea-Based Minerals

Balanced soil creates nutrient-dense plants, and when animals eat these plants, they become stronger and healthier.

Biogeochemical Potential of India to Feed the Nation and Stabilize Climate

Event name: Hybrid Monthly Scientific Meeting of Geological Society of IndiaDate: Wednesday, June 12, 2024Venue: The Office of the Geological Society of India, Bengaluru Watch a recording of the presentation here. Description This meeting featured the presentation "Biogeochemical Potential of India to Feed the Nation and Stabilize Climate" by Dr. Ishfaq Ahmad Mir, Senior Geologist, Geological Survey of India, Bengaluru.

Enhanced Rock Weathering and Rock Dust Application in China

China's abundant limestone deposits and diverse climate make it an ideal candidate for exploring enhanced rock weathering's potential.

Rock Dust Is Effective to Fight Climate Change, University of Illinois Energy Farm Finds

A new field study led by University of Illinois researcher Ilsa Kantola demonstrates how we can use rock dust weathering to greatly enhance carbon dioxide removal from the atmosphere.

How the Farm Bill 2023 can help solve climate change

During a listening session, Maine residents raised concerns to Rep. Chellie Pingree regarding the introduction in the United States Congress of the latest five-year Farm Bill.

Restoring Soils in Kilimanjaro – Engineers Without Borders Seeks Funding to Fight Food Insecurity in Tanzania

This project contributes to Sustainable Development Goals Introduction David Paul Blessing examines volcanic rocks that will be used to produce a locally sourced, nature-based fertilizer for small-scale farmers in the Kilimanjaro region, Tanzania. David Paul Blessing, President of Engineers Without Borders (EWB) in Tanzania, has a science-backed plan to bring better outcomes to small-scale farmers, their families and communities in the Kilimanjaro region in northeastern Tanzania. Across Tanzania, agriculture employs 75% of the working population. Soils vary dramatically from region to region in their mineral and nutrient ...