33 results for tag: agriculture

The Florence Community Gardens in Northampton, Massachusetts Readied for Spring Groundbreaking (with video)

NORTHAMPTON – The much anticipated community gardens in Florence is already rocking to the tune of 80,000 pounds of finely ground rock dust in preparation for groundbreaking by 100 “pioneer” farmers next spring. (more…)

Remineralize the Earth PDF Presentation

What is remineralization? What are its benefits? Where is it being used? The answers to these questions and many others can be found in this concise, informative presentation on the basic principles and practices of soil remineralization. (more…)

Delving into nutrient density

In the middle of the fertile Willamette Valley in western Oregon, farmer Bob Wilt walks the rows of his 75-acre organic blueberry farm critically plucking ripe fruit for analysis. What he’s looking for is not sweetness or pest resistance (though these factors are certainly involved), but the fruit’s nutrient density. Thus far, his berries measure up. Test.   (more…)