19 results for tag: biochar
Rock Powder with Biochar: Synergies & Co-Benefits
Rock powder and Biochar are two of the most powerful tools for reversing climate change, especially when used together! Tom Goreau explains the synergies and co-benefits. (Originally published by Global Carbon Alliance.)
Biochar and rock powders can provide major, cost-effective, atmospheric CO2 sinks to reverse climate change through nature-based solutions, or planetary BioGeoTherapy.
These methods produce major synergies and co-benefits when practiced together, but the benefits of each method have been measured in isolation, without positive feedback from combination.
The most effective use of each material is mixed together with the other in ...
Restoring Forests to Avoid Catastrophe: Remineralization is crucial
Recently screens across the globe wracked viewers with destruction-torn images of the Amazon Rainforest on fire.
It’s no secret that our forests are in trouble. Over-development and slash-and-burn agriculture practices clear areas that were once forested, and acidic rain, invasive disease, and pollution contribute to the declining health of remaining trees.
The first response to forest destruction is the obvious: plant more trees. Some organizations sponsor tree planting events where locals can help plant hundreds of trees in a matter of days, and cities across the globe are addressing environmental and urban challenges by creating more green ...
Conflict Puts Remineralization Project on Hold in Cameroon
Due to political conflict in Cameroon, FESCAM’s successful remineralization project is now on hold indefinitely. We have previously reported on the ongoing development of this project, including Remineralize the Earth’s (RTE) partnership with FESCAM. We hope to see the project return and thrive in the future and that the conflict in Cameroon will be resolved soon.
Cameroon is a sub-Saharan country with about 60% of the population engaged in agriculture, which contributes approximately 40% of the Gross National Product. Cameroon suffers from serious soil pressures caused by unsustainable environmental practices (i.e., slash and burn ...
Biochar and Rock Dust for Nutrient Dense Food, Soil Fertility Restoration, and Carbon Sequestration
Biochar and Rock Dust for Nutrient Dense Food, soil fertility restoration, and Carbon Sequestration
Groundbreaking research project with rock dust and biochar at New Harmony Farm in West Newbury, MA
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
Margaret Mead, Anthropologist
Working on solutions to some of the world’s threatening environmental challenges and creating the world we want to live in is a thrilling opportunity. At Remineralize the Earth we are doing just that – working on research that has the potential to alleviate many of the environ...
VIDEO: Rock Dust and Biochar as a Strategy for Carbon Sequestration (at SER2011)
RTE has filmed a discussion on the potential role of remineralization to sequester carbon and stabilize the climate. Three prominent speakers participated in the discussion during SER2011, the 4th World Conference on Ecological Restoration in Merida, Mexico: Dr. Goreau, President of the Global Coral Reef Alliance and Coordinator of the UN Commission (SIDSPINST), Ron Larson, an expert on biochar, and Albert Bates, author and director of the Institute for Appropriate Technology.
Outstanding Results of Dr. Goreau’s Rock Dust Trials in Panama at SER2011
Dr. Thomas Goreau's research study showing an 8-fold increase in biomass volume of trees remineralized with basalt rock dust, was presented at SER2011 by RTE's executive director Joanna Campe. Click "read more" to view and download the presentation.
John Todd – Ecology From 40,000 Feet
“When we’re flying at 40,000 feet and we look down, we see a marvelous amount of innovation in agriculture, environmental restoration, green architecture, in systems design and in renewable energy development,” Dr. John Todd tells Organic Connections. “The news on the ground has never been richer, more diverse or in some respects more global. There probably isn’t a continent on which we don’t have something happening, and that just wasn’t the case 20 years ago.”
RTE At RETECH 2009 Conference
Remineralize the Earth Announces:
2009 RETECH Conference
Las Vegas, NV, February 25th-27th,Las Vegas Convention CenterRPM Ecosystems Fast-Growing TreesThe International Biochar Initiativeand Remineralize the Earth
"There is one way we could save ourselves and that is through the massiveburial of charcoal. It would mean farmers turning all their agriculturalwaste - which contains carbon that the plants have spent the summersequestering - into non-biodegradable charcoal, and burying it in the soil.Then you can start shifting really hefty quantities of carbon out of thesystem and pull the CO2 down quite fast."
James Lovelock in New Scientist ...
Dan Kittredge & Andrew Harley Present to the Biomass Coordinating Committee of ACORE
(From Left) Dan Kittredge, Executive Director of Remineralize the Earth; Bill Holmberg, Chairman of the BCC at ACORE; and Andrew Harley, Remineralization Research Scientist
On March 5th, Executive Director Dan Kittredge and Scientific Consultant Andrew Harley attended the annual meeting of the Biomass Coordinating Committee (BCC) of ACORE, the American Council on Renewable Energy. They were speakers presenting as part of a project in Nevada run by the department of prisons that will test tree growth for biomass production. The project is experimenting with a patented process of seedling starting called RPM and soil amendments including ...