33 results for tag: conference
5th Brazilian Congress of Remineralizers Conference
Event: V Congresso Brasileiro de Rochagem
Date: July 8 – 11, 2025
Location: Piracicaba, Brazil
Host organization: Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture, University of Sao Paulo
Seminar description: After 15 years of the realization of the 1st Brazilian Congress of Remineralizers, the theme of remineralization gained prominence in Brazil and in the world. Soil remineralizers (REM), are derived from silicate rocks and when properly used, improve soil conditions since they behave as multifunctional inputs (nutrient source, acid neutralization, colloid neoformation).
The regulation of this input (Law 12,890 of 2013 and Normative ...
Climate Week NYC CDR Summit 2024
Event: Climate Week NYC CDR Summit 2024
Date: Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Location: New York, NY (register to learn address)
Host organization: Puro.earth
Conference description: "This event is a pivotal gathering for leaders in the carbon dioxide removal (CDR) sector, focused on fostering collaboration, innovation, and investment in carbon removal technologies.
"The Climate Week NYC CDR Summit aims to bring together industry pioneers, experts, and stakeholders in the carbon removal ecosystem. Attendees will have the opportunity to engage in discussions, share insights, and explore the latest advancements in CDR methodologies."
Biogeochemical Potential of India to Feed the Nation and Stabilize Climate
Event name: Hybrid Monthly Scientific Meeting of Geological Society of IndiaDate: Wednesday, June 12, 2024Venue: The Office of the Geological Society of India, Bengaluru
Watch a recording of the presentation here.
This meeting featured the presentation "Biogeochemical Potential of India to Feed the Nation and Stabilize Climate" by Dr. Ishfaq Ahmad Mir, Senior Geologist, Geological Survey of India, Bengaluru.
ERW24: Enhanced Rock Weathering Conference
Time & Location
Conference Title: ERW24: Enhanced Rock Weathering Conference
Host Organizations: Yale University
Date: Apr 26 – Apr 27, 2024
Location: Yale University, Friday: Kline Geology Laboratory 210 Whitney Ave, New Haven, CT 06511. Saturday: Marsh Lecture Hall Gibbs Lab, 260 Whitney Ave, New Haven, CT 06511
Conference Description: “Join us at ERW24, the second annual Enhanced Rock Weathering Conference, held at Yale University. This conference aims to bring together experts in the field to discuss topics such as commercialization, cost, implementation, and new scientific advancements in rock weathering.”
Special ...
The Science of Rock Dust and Carbon Removal with Enhanced Weathering
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is one of the three main greenhouse gasses causing climate change, which is projected to increase global temperature by 5.7° F by the year 2100. This may not seem like a large change, but the Natural Resources Defense Council warns that it can lead to serious consequences for the planet and humanity, including more severe weather, higher sea levels, crop loss, and more. As a planet, we need to prevent this.
According to Professor Jason Smerdon of Columbia Climate School, the soil and oceans naturally remove CO2 from the air, making them what are called carbon sinks. However, existing carbon sinks are not currently ...
Powering Food Sovereignty with Microbes: The Nature Farming Convergence
Key takeaways from the 2021 International Nature Farming Convergence
What does a jungle that produces vegetables with rock dust and a weed-laden garden have in common? They both host a vast world of microbes that can save humanity from itself. With the secret to food sovereignty lying right underneath our feet, agriculturalists need to get out of the clouds of technology and back into the dirt to unearth its potential.
In the past 20 years, the agricultural industry has created a rich and costly market of garden tech meant to fix any problem encountered in the field. Too many aphids? Get a pesticide drone. Yield not high enough? Use genetic ...
IV Congresso Brasileiro de Rochagem: Highlights from the Presentations in Portuguese
(Clockwise from top right) Dr. Magda Bergmann, Prof. Suzi Huff Theodoro, and Dr. Antonio N. Zamunér Filho.
“I was converted,” confessed agronomist Antônio Bizão. Listening to Bizão’s skepticism of stonemeal was the highlight of the IV Congresso Brasileiro de Rochagem (which translates to “IV Brazilian Congress of Stonemeal”). Bizão talked of his intention, years ago, to denounce professionals who defended the use of silicate rocks for agriculture, before conducting experiments himself and obtaining replicable positive results. We were listening to a stonemeal Saul of Tarsus and the moment allowed me a glimpse of a community of farmers ...
IV Congresso Brasileiro de Rochagem: Highlights from the Presentations in English
Since September 2009 Brazil has held a conference on rochagem (rock dust) every 3 years. The Brazilian Conference on Rochagem highlights Brazil’s role as a leader in scientific research and policy creation around the use of rock dust as a sustainable fertilizer. The Congress creates a forum for researchers, the general public and private interests to discuss the scientific advances, effective policies and future rock dust potential. Past conferences have steadily advanced the importance of rock dust as a fertilizer to enhance food security and promote environmental health in Brazil. Despite pandemic difficulties, the IV Congresso Brasileiro de ...
Call for Papers for the IV Congresso Brasileiro de Rochagem
(Photo from the III Congresso Brasileiro de Rochagem in 2016 conference.)
Translated from Brazilian Portuguese. Original version available here.
The Event
The third millennium began with an unprecedented recognition of the importance of the use of natural resources. Environmental issues have gained in visibility and share importance along with economic issues. As a result, there is a greater concern with food security and socio-environmental and economic development, without losing sight of the preservation of biodiversity and the well-being of the human species.
In this scenario, Brazil is a protagonist, as it holds a large part of the world’s ...
RTE’s New Research Database Director Spreads Word about Remineralization at Australia-Brazil Conference
Above: Multidisciplinary team of researchers at the Australia-Brazil Alumni Conference.
The 4th Australia-Brazil Alumni Conference was held in São Caetano do Sul, at the Instituto Mauá de Tecnologia, from May 17th - 18th. Aiming to engage former scholarship recipients from Australian and Brazilian government programs, the two-day conference brought together a multidisciplinary team of researchers and students to explore ways to strengthen the scientific bonds among the two countries, stimulating international cooperation.
From biologists to lawyers, participants had the opportunity to give a presentation in the TED Talk format and show others ...