17 results for tag: enhanced rock weathering

Puro.earth and Nasdaq in Partnership Propel a Green Economy Forward

A seminal breakthrough in the global carbon removal market came when Nasdaq  acquired a majority stake of Puro.earth in June 2021. This partnership between Puro.earth, described as “the world’s leading carbon crediting platform for engineered carbon removal,” and Nasdaq, a global electronic stock exchange, represents a huge opportunity to scale the marketplace as more companies look to offset their emissions.  Puro.earth and their innovative CORCs Antti Vihavainen took the first steps toward creating Puro.earth in a pitch to Scandinavian clean energy company Fortum. His goal was to create a business model to incentivize ...

Crash Course on Enhanced Rock Weathering for Carbon Removal

Rock dust delivered to agricultural fields for a terrestrial enhanced weathering field trial (photo courtesy of Lithos). Click photos to enlarge. Melting iceberg, Greenland (credits: NASA/Saskia Madlener). According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), without significant cuts in greenhouse gas emissions, the global temperature will increase by 3 to 4 degrees Celsius by the year 2100. This could have catastrophic consequences for human society. We are already living with the effects of the 1.1-degree increase that has occurred since the industrial revolution began around 1760. Major heat waves, wildfires, floods, and ...

AirMiners Panel Engages the Challenge of Verifying Carbon Removal for Enhanced Weathering

Across a landscape, weathering rates can vary widely due to differences in soil. These include properties such as moisture content, soil pH, temperature, soil mineralogy, and vegetative cover. (Credit: John Spencer) Mary Yap, founder and CEO of Lithos Carbon In November 2022, a panel of four AirMiners (those working to ‘mine’ atmospheric carbon and stabilize it in the ground) met to discuss the potential of Enhanced Rock Weathering (ERW) and associated challenges for establishing credibility and trust. In short, we need a way to prove that greenhouse gasses have been removed from the atmosphere. To help with this goal, the panel proposed a ...

Moving Beyond Academia: Rock Dust Local Founder Promotes Remineralization Research

Tom Vanacore with some of Rock Dust Local's rock dust products. Image from video by Learn Organic Gardening at GrowingYourGreens Remineralization proponents really should publish their own research for peer review, moving away from reliance on academic validation to convince policymakers and the public, says Rock Dust Local founder Tom Vanacore. From left to right: Ted Dobson, Tom Vanacore and Ben Dobson, with a delivery of Rock Dust Local's biochar at Stone House Farm “Most of the enhanced-weathering academic papers being published are either too highly technical to be understood by most people, or the protocols they’re using are all ...

The Future Forest Company on OpenAir CDR: Natural approaches to CO2 removal

The Future Forest Company project in Brisbane Mains, Scotland The Future Forest Company featured on OpenAir CDR When it comes to national and international discussions of the climate crisis, so much of the focus has been on decarbonization methods: What can countries and corporations do to reduce track and reduce their carbon footprint? Experts agree that this is a necessary step in reducing future warming – and the inevitable consequences that come with a 2°C temperature increase – but this approach is inherently limited, circumventing the very real problems of the here and now. Decarbonization offers only half a solution; the other half ...

Make Climate Goals Attainable: Remineralize croplands

A truck spreading rock dust on a field. Photo by Ilsa Kantola, University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana Paris Climate Agreement metrics are just out of reach As of July 2021, the top 10 fossil carbon emitting nations are failing to meet their 2030 green-house gas (GHG) reduction goals, as pledged under the Paris Agreement. The Paris Agreement defines a hard warming limit to 2°C, but current status quo climate initiatives – even if met – will lead to a global warming of 2.6 - 3.1°C. Heating of this magnitude could set forth a cascade of irreversible effects. The Earth, and the communities it supports, are in crisis.  To make climate goals ...

Investing In Our Global Future: UKRI funds enhanced rock weathering research

The awesome power of rock dust will be on full display in Glasgow, Nov. 1-12, during the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26). Scotland’s largest city is hosting this year’s global summit, which assesses the urgency of the climate crisis and establishes legally-binding legislation for developed nations to reduce their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In preparation, UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) is spending US$43.8 million on demonstrator projects investigating GHG removal by enhanced rock weathering (ERW), biochar, afforestation, bioenergy crops, and peatland restoration. David Beerling, professor of Natural Sciences at ...