12 results for tag: fertilizer

Munash Organics: Innovating Regenerative Gardening and Farming in Australia Through Soil Remineralization

At the heart of Munash Organics’ approach is the concept of soil remineralization: the application of natural, mineral-rich rock powders to restore and revitalize degraded soils.

UNDO Matters: UK carbon removal company taking remineralization mainstream

The story of UNDO Carbon Removal began as the story of the Future Forest Company, says Jim Mann, cofounder and chief executive officer of both, with the former using enhanced weathering and the latter taking the reforestation route to ecological restoration in the United Kingdom. And so, UNDO spun out from Future Forest in mid-2022. Jim Mann, cofounder and CEO of UNDO “We were trying to move quickly with in-house rock weathering, trying to scale fast. Reforestation and ecological restoration are relatively slow processes. You might spend a year planning and then two years getting the appropriate permissions and signoffs from government ...

Moving Beyond Academia: Rock Dust Local Founder Promotes Remineralization Research

Tom Vanacore with some of Rock Dust Local's rock dust products. Image from video by Learn Organic Gardening at GrowingYourGreens Remineralization proponents really should publish their own research for peer review, moving away from reliance on academic validation to convince policymakers and the public, says Rock Dust Local founder Tom Vanacore. From left to right: Ted Dobson, Tom Vanacore and Ben Dobson, with a delivery of Rock Dust Local's biochar at Stone House Farm “Most of the enhanced-weathering academic papers being published are either too highly technical to be understood by most people, or the protocols they’re using are all ...

Agrimagined offers promising glimpse into budding Kenyan remineralization efforts

Bryan Ollier, an agriculture specialist from a village near Coventry, England, and Joseph Kinuthia, a farmer in Kenya, formed the U.K.-based company Agrimagined last year after connecting online due to their shared interest in supporting sustainable, affordable, nutrient-rich agriculture. Once the two got to talking, they developed a vision for Agrimagined, which would help accomplish their shared goals surrounding remineralization and education. Inspiration for Agrimagined: Ollier and Kinuthia’s previous experience with remineralization Overview of Mount Kenya and surrounding area Shortly before he connected with Kinuthia, Ollier ...

Rock Dust to the Rescue for Brazil During Europe’s Geopolitical Crisis

A soy plantation in western Bahia, Brazil. Image by Fernanda Ligabue/Greenpeace. As the invasion of Ukraine by Russia threatens to cut off fertilizer shipments, forcing Brazil to search for new fertilizer suppliers, further expansion of rock dust application in the South American country offers a solution, according to Remineralize the Earth executive director Joanna Campe. Joanna Campe speaking at the II Congresso Rochagem in Brazil. “Rock dust is the cornerstone of a sustainable and profitable future,” Campe pointed out in response to the tragic circumstances. The geopolitical reality will encourage Brazil to look for alternative ...

Remineralization’s Success in Brazil Draws Ire

At the moment there is a very strong clash within Embrapa, the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation, which recently released a policy clarification memo saying that there was no proof of the effectiveness of the use of rock powders. The use of remineralizers is growing rapidly among medium and large farmers. The fact that more and more people are using remineralizers, including conventional farmers who produce thousands of hectares, has put the chemical fertilizer producers on alert. This is particularly true because Brazil is not included in the global elite who control the production of fertilizers despite being the fourth biggest consumer ...

Highlights from the 2013 II Brazilian “Rochagem” Conference

From May 12-17, 2013 the Second Brazilian “Rochagem” Conference convened an impressive assembly of scientists, researchers and technicians from Brazil and around the world. Joanna Campe, Executive Director of Remineralize the Earth, was invited to speak at the conference and was given the honor of presenting second on the opening day of the event. Joanna's presentation entitled “The Potential of Remineralization as a Global Movement” covered the historical context and current developments relating to ecological and social challenges that are being faced regionally and globally. Joanna helped open the conference to the long list of detailed ...

Growing Movement of Remineralization and Agroecology in Brazil

Edinei Almeida is an agroecologist and PhD student currently working to bring awareness and understanding of agroecology to small family farms in rural Brazil. As part of the Brazilian NGO, AS-PTA (Assessoria e Serviços a Projetos em Agricultura Alternativa), whose mission is to promote ecological methods of agriculture that question conventional industrial practices, Edinei works with 500 family farms in Southern Brazil to show the benefits of adding rock dust to soil. Suzi Huff Theodoro, PhD, one of the main organizers of the 2nd Brazilian “Rochagem” Conference, described Edinei as one of the foremost agroecologists in Brazil and Joanna Campe ...

VIDEO: Remineralizing Brazil: A Visit to EMBRAPA

Interview with Eder de Souza Martins, and a sneak-peak into the heart of Brazilian remineralization research. (more…)

Regenerative Veganic Gardening for Pure Food and Health

Since a growing number of us care about human and animal well-being, as well as the fate of the whole Earth, we should look at all the ways that our caring, our compassion, can translate into actions that truly make a difference. Let’s explore how we can take local and “backyard” actions that will provide us with the highest quality pure vegan foods while contributing to the regeneration of the Earth’s soil and whole integrated system of life-support. (more…)