81 results for tag: rock dust

The Riches of Rock Dust, by the Get Real Alliance

The Get Real Alliance has released a documentary series covering topics from founder David Munson’s book Get Real: A Positive Solution to Climate Change. The eight episodes released so far describe the carbon cycle, biochar and rock dust, as well as issues related to grasslands, forests, oceans and more.  The Get Real Alliance explains their goals as follows: “The Get Real Alliance supports rock dust remineralization of soil and wetlands, biochar additions to soil for fertility and water retention, marine wetland restoration and overall agricultural changes.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKy4xikNEuk The video above, “Episode 5: ...

The Riches of Rock Dust, by the Get Real Alliance

Episode 5 of an 8 part series around positive solution for climate change, created by the Get Real Alliance

A Breakthrough in Verifying Carbon Dioxide Removal by Rock Dust Weathering

For over a billion years, rock weathering has played a central role in regulating Earth's climate. So what’s behind the rock-climate connection? It turns out...

Huplaso Grows: Natural Mineralizer from New Brunswick Quarry Making Inroads Across Canada, World

(Updated May 7, 2023) Jean-Paul Dubé The Huplaso quarry in Bathurst, New Brunswick, contains a rock that is rich in more than 57 minerals (macro, micro and trace elements) and is ideal for soil remineralization and organic plant growth. “It increases about 27% the health of the plant,” said Stéphane Losier, business development director. He added that the product, made from ultramafic basalt-type volcanic rock dust, improves yields by more than 35%, balances pH and increases soil paramagnetism levels.  According to Jean-Paul Dubé, Huplaso’s North American sales manager, paramagnetism produces a potentially beneficial ...

Remineralization Pioneer David Yarrow on Transforming Soils to Transform Ourselves

There’s no doubt that the industrialization of agriculture has changed the world we live in. With the advent of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, ‘agribusiness’ is a commercial enterprise seeking to do what most businesses do — maximize profit. But soil isn’t a static input, a sterile medium,  or an endless reservoir from which crops will always sprout. In fact, treating soil in this way is a fast-track to depleting it. Continuing down this path is not sustainable, and it’s becoming clearer that we must rethink the way this system works, and move forward in a regenerative, holistic way.  One of the pioneers of this ...

UNDO Matters: UK carbon removal company taking remineralization mainstream

The story of UNDO Carbon Removal began as the story of the Future Forest Company, says Jim Mann, cofounder and chief executive officer of both, with the former using enhanced weathering and the latter taking the reforestation route to ecological restoration in the United Kingdom. And so, UNDO spun out from Future Forest in mid-2022. Jim Mann, cofounder and CEO of UNDO “We were trying to move quickly with in-house rock weathering, trying to scale fast. Reforestation and ecological restoration are relatively slow processes. You might spend a year planning and then two years getting the appropriate permissions and signoffs from government ...

Crash Course on Enhanced Rock Weathering for Carbon Removal

Rock dust delivered to agricultural fields for a terrestrial enhanced weathering field trial (photo courtesy of Lithos). Click photos to enlarge. Melting iceberg, Greenland (credits: NASA/Saskia Madlener). According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), without significant cuts in greenhouse gas emissions, the global temperature will increase by 3 to 4 degrees Celsius by the year 2100. This could have catastrophic consequences for human society. We are already living with the effects of the 1.1-degree increase that has occurred since the industrial revolution began around 1760. Major heat waves, wildfires, floods, and ...

Teaching Bold New Methods: Arina Duvenhage and the Garden of Eden Garden School

Mineral malnutrition is a serious global issue affecting hundreds of millions of people. It is estimated that worldwide, 60% of people are deficient in iron, 30% are deficient in zinc, and approximately 15% are deficient in selenium. Calcium, magnesium, and copper deficiencies are also common in both developed and developing nations. These nutritional deficits result in widespread healthcare problems and diminish the quality of life and community resilience. Arina teaching at the Garden of Eden Garden School How do we fight global mineral malnutrition? The answer is one farm at a time. As experts such as Arina Duvenhage of the Garden of Eden ...

OpenAir CDR on Enhanced Rock Weathering: Scaling up climate solutions globally

Dirk Praessler, CEO of Carbon Drawdown Initiative One of the biggest challenges we face today is climate change. Scientists have long-since warned of the inevitable effects of a warming planet, yet despite this urgency, today’s economy continues to run primarily on fossil fuels. Decarbonization – the active capture and storage of CO2 from the atmosphere – is one possible solution. However, as Dirk Paessler, founder and CEO of Carbon Drawdown Initiative explained in a recent “Open Air This is CDR” episode, Decarbonization is “pointless without 90% emissions reduction.” We need to decarbonize the economy while simultaneously pulling ...

Rockmin Composts Provides Local Solutions to the Global Soil Crisis

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations:  Soils are fundamental to life on Earth but human pressures on soil resources are reaching critical limits. Careful soil management is one essential element of sustainable agriculture and also provides a valuable lever for climate regulation and a pathway for safeguarding ecosystem services and biodiversity Chris Cameron and his daughter Catriona Dale  In other words, soil degradation is one of humanity's greatest threats. Fortunately, there are experts like the father-daughter team behind Rockmin Composts who are on a mission to do something about it. The ...