3 results for tag: Rutubisha

Navigating Geological Contrasts: Strategies for Sustainable Agriculture in Tanzania

Tanzania exhibits highly contrasting geology, which plays a crucial role in its strengths and limitations for agricultural development. Certain areas of the region contain abundant minerals for fertile soils while others suffer from depletion. This disparity arises largely from the region's unique geomorphological features, notably its location along the East African Rift System (EARS). The EARS is an extensive continental rift valley beginning at the Red Sea in the north, and extending eastward into the Indian Ocean (Wood & Turn). The rift is actively forming through extensional tectonics, a process that pulls apart the Earth’s crust, thinning ...

New Campaign Supporting Project to Address Food Insecurity in Tanzania

In partnership with Engineers Without Borders Tanzania, RTE is raising funds to introduce rock dust and biochar to soils in the Kilimanjaro Region of Tanzania to improve soil fertility, crop yields, and income for farmers.

Engineers Without Borders is Addressing Food Security in Tanzania

David Paul and Pupils of Chagu Primary School fetching water from the lake with crocodiles. Click to enlarge photos and graphics. David Paul (standing, left) uses a groundwater detection electrode system to survey water resources Kilimanjaro region. This work is part of a project to supply clean, safe drinking water to the Maasai Community of this area.     David Paul Blessing, current president of Engineers Without Borders-Tanzania (EWB-Tanzania), sat in his hotel room in Nguruka township after a long day of work. He and his team were on-site helping to develop safe drinking water sources and sanitation facilities for ...