Why You Don’t Need Animal Manure in Your Organic Vegetable Garden

Florence Organic Community Gardens in Northampton, MA

Grow Better Tasting Vegetables with Rock Dust and Where to Get It Near You

Grow Larger Vegetables with Rock Dust – Benefits and How to Apply

RockDust builds soil fertility. Which product is best?

Perfect nutrient dense blueberries integrating compost teas, minerals and biological soil management

Perfect nutrient dense blueberries integrating compost teas, minerals and biological soil management Blueberry grower Bob Wilt found that the more efficiently he was able to get minerals into his berries, the higher the brix measurement went. Hence, he concentrated on doing that and still does to this day. And as the brix has gone up, so has the flavor.“You’re aiming for a higher percent of dissolved solids in the plant—a higher percentage of complex carbohydrates, sugars and proteins,” says Dan Kittredge, executive director of the Real Food Campaign and an ...

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Nutrient Density Crop Production Workshop Series for 2010

Nutrient Density Crop Production Workshop Series for 2010 This is designed to give the farmer/gardener all of the information, techniques, tools, and support necessary to become a producer of cutting edge maximum quality crops in the North. Led by Real Food Campaign Director Dan Kittredge. Western Massachusetts: Jan-17-2010, Mar-14-2010, May-02-2010, Jul-11-2010, Sep-12-2010 & Nov-14-2010 Connecticut: Jan-24-2010, Mar-21-2010, May-16-2010, Jul-18-2010, Sep-19-2010 & Nov-21-2010 New York: Jan-10-2010, Mar-07-2010, May-08-2010, Jul-10-2010, Sep-11-2010 ...

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CETEM sponsors Agrominerals for Biofuels

CETEM sponsors Agrominerals for Biofuels March 12, 2010 CETEM, the mineral industry association in Brazil, is following up on another symposium on March 12th in Rio de Janeiro with workshops on agrominerals for biofuels. The workshops are free and open to the public. The project Agrominerals for biofuels is sponsored by the fund CT-Mineral, Ministry of Science and Technology, run by CETEM and financed with resources of FINEP. Those interested in participating can register with Ms. Gisele Rose by e-mail: silva@cetem.gov.br, or by phone: (21) 3865-7214. Address: Rio de ...

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RTE partners with Trees for Clean Energy Network in Kenya

RTE partners with Trees for Clean Energy Network in Kenya Trees for Clean Energy Network (TCEN) empowers youth and women to produce clean energy biofuel to light households and power small enterprises. Joanna Campe, Executive Director of RTE, and Zablon Wagalla met each other at the World International Renewable Energy Conference (WIREC 2008) vowing to partner at some time in the future growing jatropha on marginal soils with rock dust. Jatropha produces sustainable biofuel from the seeds at the same time that it restores soils and makes them arable within a few years. ...

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Increasing Nutrients in the Food We Grow

Increasing Nutrients in the Food We Grow *Growing Highly Nutritious Food* Workshop Series   These workshops draw on cutting-edge research and long-proven techniques to build the ideal soil environment for crop growth and production. This series will take farmers and gardeners step-by-step through the principles, practices and materials to optimize crop health and growth. The Pioneer Valley workshop series will start this Sunday, January 17, from 9 AM to 4 PM at Enterprise Farm: 72 River Road, Whately, MA. Contact: David Paysnick, 413-475-3392, email: davepays@gmail...

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