191 results for group: journal-article

Yield, nutrient uptake and potassium use efficiency in rice fertilized with crushed rocks

ABSTRACT: The increasing world population has led into big food and raw material demand, with high pressure on agriculture. In Brazil, potassium fertilizers are mostly imported rising interest on rocks and mining rejects as alternative sources. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of crushed rocks over mineral nutrition, yield and efficiency of potash fertilization in rice. The experiment was carried out under greenhouse conditions in pots with 3.7 kg of Oxisol soil samples. The experimental design was completely randomized, in a factorial layout 4 × 6, comprising six crushed rocks used as alternative multinutrient fertilizer ...

Rock dust as a source of nutrients for upland rice crop

ABSTRACT: Some farmers use rock dust as a cheap and efficient alternative to supply nutrients to plants. It is known that rock dust has the potential to replace chemical fertilization in organic production or it may complement chemical fertilization in other production systems. Thereby, the aim of this research was to evaluate the response of upland rice under different doses of rock dust. The experiment was carried out at Fazenda Cachoeira, Raul Soares city, Minas Gerais (MG), Brazil with an altitude corresponding to 360 m, sandy-clay soil. It was used BRSMG Caravera cultivar. Analysis of rock dust and soil before and after fertilization were ...

Potential of basalt dust to improve soil fertility and crop nutrition

ABSTRACT: The search for higher yields, lower production costs, and increased sustainability in agriculture implies optimizing crop nutritional management. In this sense, basalt dust has shown potential to improve soil fertility and crop nutrition. Thus, the goal was to evaluate the potential use of basalt dust in a controlled environment. First, an experiment was carried out on soils with contrasting textures (sandy and medium) under a random design, with four replications. These soils were incubated with basalt dust doses for 90 days, and later analyzed for chemical properties. Then, after soil incubation, four experiments were carried out in a ...

Accelerated weathering of silicate rock dusts predicts the slow-release liming in soils depending on rock mineralogy, soil acidity, and test methodology

ABSTRACT: The ongoing acidification of soil poses a significant threat to the proper functioning of various ecosystems worldwide. Silicate rock dusts (RD) are increasingly amended to acid soils to restore their pH, but the acid neutralising capacity (ANC) and dissolution rate of these products are highly variable and lack proper assessment protocols. It is expected that pH-dependent RD ANCs and dissolution rates dictate the pH increase in soils depending on the initial pH and pH buffer power of the soil. This study addressed these questions by comparing and validating three accelerated weathering tests for their capacity to predict the gradual ...

Farmer Perspectives on Carbon Markets Incentivizing Agricultural Soil Carbon Sequestration

Abstract Climate change mitigation efforts to achieve net-zero emissions require not only decreasing current greenhouse gas emissions, but also the deployment of negative emissions technologies. Soil organic carbon sequestration in agricultural lands is one such negative emissions strategy, currently being incentivized predominantly through voluntary carbon offset markets. Through semi-structured interviews, we assess both conventional and organic farmer perspectives on soil carbon offset programs that have been created in the United States since 2017. The perspectives of farmers both participating and not participating in agricultural soil carbon ...

From waste to soil: Can we create functioning manufactured soils by recycling rock processing waste?

ABSTRACT: Rock mining industries do not only exploit and transform extensive areas of land, but also produce vast amounts of rock waste material that lacks an adequate utilization. Some of these rock wastes have the potential to provide nutrients to plants and can therefore have positive impacts on soil properties. Consequently, we tested their potential for valorization as components of manufactured soils for use in urban areas. We conducted a 10-week incubation experiment of soil mesocosms with sunflowers (Helianthus annuus L.) to evaluate the performance of manufactured soils with respect to plant growth and soil properties. We used three common ...

Enhanced silicate weathering accelerates forest carbon sequestration by stimulating the soil mineral carbon pump

ABSTRACT: Enhanced silicate rock weathering (ERW) is an emerging strategy for carbon dioxide removal (CDR) from the atmosphere to mitigate anthropogenic climate change. ERW aims at promoting soil inorganic carbon sequestration by accelerating geochemical weathering processes. Theoretically, ERW may also impact soil organic carbon (SOC), the largest carbon pool in terrestrial ecosystems, but experimental evidence for this is largely lacking. Here, we conducted a 2-year field experiment in tropical rubber plantations in the southeast of China to evaluate the effects of wollastonite powder additions (0, 0.25, and 0.5 kg m−2) on both soil organic ...

Geospatial assessment of the cost and energy demand of feedstock grinding for enhanced rock weathering in the coterminous United States

Introduction: In an effort to mitigate anthropogenic climate impacts the U.S. has established ambitious Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) targets, aiming to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50% before 2030 and achieving net-zero emissions by 2050. Enhanced rock weathering (ERW)—the artificial enhancement of chemical weathering of rocks to accelerate atmospheric CO2 capture—is now widely seen as a potentially promising carbon dioxide removal (CDR) strategy that could help to achieve U.S. climate goals. Grinding rocks to smaller particle size, which can help to facilitate more rapid and efficient CO2 removal, is the most energy-demanding ...

Reduced accrual of mineral‐associated organic matter after two years of enhanced rock weathering in cropland soils, though no net losses of soil organic carbon

ABSTRACT: Enhanced rock weathering (ERW), the application of crushed silicate rock to soil, can remove atmospheric carbon dioxide by converting it to (bi) carbonate ions or solid carbonate minerals. However, few studies have empirically evaluated ERW in field settings. A critical question remains as to whether additions of crushed rock might positively or negatively affect soil organic matter (SOM)—Earth’s largest terrestrial organic carbon (C) pool and a massive reservoir of organic nitrogen (N). Here, in three irrigated cropland field trials in California, USA, we investigated the effect of crushed meta-basalt rock additions on different ...

Mineral-enriched biochar delivers enhanced nutrient recovery and carbon dioxide removal

ABSTRACT: Biochar production via biomass pyrolysis with subsequent burial in soils provides a carbon dioxide removal technology that is ready for implementation, yet uptake requires acceleration; notably, through generation of cost reductions and co-benefits. Here we find that biomass enrichment (doping) with refined minerals, mineral by-products, or ground rocks reduces carbon loss during pyrolysis, lowering carbon dioxide removal costs by 17% to US$ 80–150 t−1 CO2, with 30% savings feasible at higher biomass costs. As a co-benefit, all three additives increase plant-available nutrient levels. Doping with potassium-bearing minerals can ...